

Subsynchronous Damping Control of Grid-Forming BESS in Wind Farms Connected to a Weak AC Grid


随着新能源发电渗透率的增加,未来电力系统面临多种安全稳定挑战,次同步振荡即为广受关注的稳定性问题之一.基于构网型控制的电池储能系统(grid forming-battery energy storage system,GFM-BESS)实现次同步阻尼控制(subsynchronous damping controllers,SDC)策略,可高效抑制直驱风机与弱电网相互作用引发的次同步振荡,使得BESS在提供削峰填谷、调峰调频等基本功能的同时,能够为并网风电的潜在振荡模态提供正阻尼.设计了基于低通滤波器、陷波器和移相器的SDC结构,优选了控制环节的加入位置和滤波增益参数.最后,通过电磁暂态仿真验证了所提方法的有效性,比较了各种SDC的阻尼性能,并分析了BESS容量对阻尼控制效果的影响.具体地,采用基于二阶陷波器和移相器的SDC在所构建系统条件下拥有更优越的性能;阻尼目标次同步振荡模态需要5%及以上的BESS容量.

With the significant increase in the use of renewable power generators,future power systems face stability challenges,including subsynchronous oscillation(SSO),which is a crucial issue.This study proposes subsynchronous damping control(SDC)strategies based on a grid-forming controlled battery energy storage system(BESS)to effectively suppress the SSOs induced by the interaction between nearby direct-drive wind farms and a weak AC grid.The BESS not only offers a range of grid services,including load shifting,peak shaving,and frequency regulation,but also provides positive damping for possible unstable SSO modes from grid-connected wind power.Different SDC structures were designed based on a low-pass filter,notch filter,and phase shifter,and their installed locations and filter/gain parameters were selected.Finally,the results were verified based on electromagnetic simulations,the damping performances of the three SDCs were compared,and the influence of the BESS capacity on oscillation damping was investigated.Specifically,the NF-SDC with a second-order notch filter and the PS-SDC based on a phase shifter exhibited superior performance under the given system conditions.The damping target SSO modes required at least 5%BESS capacity.

伍双喜;王晰;刘洋;Jan Shair;向丽玲;谢小荣

广东电网有限责任公司电力调度控制中心,广州市 510600新型电力系统运行与控制全国重点实验室(清华大学电机系),北京市 100084



subsynchronous oscillationgrid-forming controlsubsynchronous damping controlbattery energy-storage system

《电力建设》 2024 (004)

147-155 / 9

This work is supported by the Science and Technology Project of China Southern Power Grid(No.GDKJXM20198228).南方电网公司科技项目"大规模海上风电接入广东电网的并网运行关键技术研究"(GDKJXM20198228)

