

Analysis of Ore-Controlling Factors and Genesis of the Weiquan Silver-Copper Polymetallic Deposit in Eastern Tianshan



The Weiquan silver-copper polymetallic deposit,located in the eastern Tianshan region of Xinjiang,is a large polymetallic silver-copper deposit with typical characteristics,and belongs to the Yamansu Island arc zone in the Jueluotage arc zone.The geological characteristics,ore-controlling factors and genesis of the deposit have long been disputed.On the basis of many years of field geological exploration,the geological characteristics,ore-controlling factors and genesis of the deposit were systematically studied.It is concluded that the silver copper and lead-zinc ore bodies are distributed in the pyroclastic rock,and the lead-zinc ore bodies controlled by strata were cut through by the silver copper ore bodies controlled by fault structure.The mineralization of lead-zinc deposit is strictly controlled by stratigraphic position.The main type of alteration is silicification,which is a contact metasomatism type.The lead-zinc deposit was formed in the late of Early Carboniferous.The silver-copper ore body was formed in the middle-late of Late Carboniferous,and the ore body was located in a faulted structure.The silver-copper ore body was obviously controlled by the fault,and there was an obvious mineralization boundary,namely the fault plane.It is believed that the ore body belongs to the remote middle and low temperature hydrothermal origin after the magmatic stage,and the silver-copper mineralization was later than the lead-zinc mineralization.


新疆维吾尔自治区地质矿产勘查开发局第一地质大队,新疆昌吉 831100新疆宝地矿业股份有限公司,新疆乌鲁木齐 830000



ore-controlling factorscontact metasomatismskarnhydrothermal fillingWeiquan silver-copper polymetallic depositeastern Tianshan

《地质与勘探》 2024 (002)

265-276 / 12


