

Vertical characteristics of raindrop size distribution in a precipitation process in a Three-River Source Region


利用布设在泽库站内的微雨雷达(Micro Rain Radar,MRR)、OTT-PARSIVEL激光雨滴谱仪、雨量计(Rain Gauge,RG)观测资料,针对2021年9月17日一次降水天气过程,对比分析MRR在高原地区的适用性,研究了不同雨强MRR观测参量及雨滴谱的垂直变化特征.结果表明:在此次过程中MRR与雨滴谱仪及RG的累计雨量结果较为一致,MRR 200 m雨强与雨滴谱仪反演值相关性较好.不同雨强下降水参量在垂直分布上有所差异,雨强Ⅰ档,受蒸发作用影响反射率因子、液态水含量、雨强由高层至低层表现出波动变化的趋势;雨强Ⅱ档,蒸发作用减弱,各微物理量峰值高度有所降低;雨强Ⅲ档,粒子碰并作用增强直径增大,各微物理量随高度的降低而增大.此次降水过程以小粒子为主,在各个高度层小粒子对数浓度的贡献均最大.1000~4000 m小粒子对雨强贡献率均大于90%;1000 m以下中等粒子随着高度降低对雨强的贡献逐渐增大;大粒子在高层对雨强的贡献率大于低层.

Based on data obtained from the Micro Rain Radar(MRR),OTT-PARSIVEL laser raindrop spectrome-ter,and Rain Gauge(RG)at Zeku Station,the applicability of the MRR in the plateau region was compared and examined for a precipitation weather process on September 17,2021.The vertical variation characteristics of the MRR observation parameters and raindrop spectrum were investigated at different rain rates.Results show that the observed cumulative rainfall results of the MRR were consistent with those of the raindrop spectrometer and RG,and the MRR 200 m rain rate was highly associated with the raindrop spectrometer inversion value.At vari-ous levels of rainfall intensity,differences were found in the vertical distribution of precipitation parameters.Re-flectivity,rain rate and liquid water content were affected by evaporation,and they fluctuated from high to low levels in the Ⅰ stage of rain.The evaporation effect was weakened,and the peak height of each microphysical quantity was lower in the Ⅱ stage of rain.The increase in particle diameter was due to the intensification of colli-sion and coalescence,and the microphysical quantities increased with the decrease in height in the Ⅲ stage of rain.Precipitation was dominated by small particles,and the raindrop number concentration contribution of small particles at each height layer was the largest.The contribution rate of 1000-4000 m small particles to the rain rate exceeded 90%,and the contribution rate of medium particles below 1000 m to the rain rate increased with the de-crease of height.The contribution rate of large particles to the rain rate in the upper layer was greater than that in the lower layer.


青海省气象灾害防御技术中心,青海 西宁 810001||青海省防灾减灾重点实验室,青海 西宁 810001


Three-River Source Regionmicro rain radarraindrop size distributionvertical distribution

《干旱区研究》 2024 (003)


353-362 / 10


