

Theoretical model and scale development of people's sense of gain in the process of constructing Hainan Free Trade Port


目的:旨在构建海南自贸港建设进程中人民获得感的理论模型并编制适合的获得感量表.方法:通过文献分析建构人民获得感的理论模型并通过开放式问卷和专家咨询编制量表初测问卷题项,然后分别进行了初测和正式施测,并对问卷数据进行统计分析,进而验证理论模型的拟合度并确定海南自贸港建设进程中人民获得感的正式量表.结果:①本研究进行探索性因子分析得出人民获得感的5个因子:经济获得感、政治获得感、社会获得感、文化获得感、生态获得感,累积解释总变异的65.008%;②正式量表包含5个维度30个题项,验证性因子分析表明,人民获得感五因子结构模型拟合良好(x2/df=2.93,P<0.001,TLI=0.923,CFI=0.930,RMSEA=0.057);③量表的 Cronbach's α 为 0.957,5 个维度的 Cronbach's α 分别为 0.897、0.838、0.896、0.801、0.913,量表具有良好的内部一致性;④量表各维度之间相关系数小于维度与总分之间的相关系数,各维度具有一定的独立性又具有一致性,量表具有较好的结构效度.结论:正式量表具有较好的信度和效度,可以用来评估海南自贸港建设进程中人民的获得感,对提升人民获得感有一定的指导意义.

Objective:To construct a theoretical model of people's sense of gain during the construction process of Hainan Free Trade Port and develop a suitable sense of gain scale.Methods:A theoretical model of people's sense of gain was constructed through literature analysis,and a preliminary questionnaire item was developed through open-ended questionnaires and expert consultation.Then,preliminary and formal tests were conducted,and the question-naire data was statistically analyzed to verify the fit of the theoretical model and determine the formal scale of people's sense of gain during the construction process of Hainan Free Trade Port.Results:①This study conducted explora-tory factor analysis to identify five factors of people's sense of gain:Economic sense of gain,political sense of gain,social sense of gain,cultural sense of gain,and ecological sense of gain.The cumulative explanation for the total varia-tion was 65.008%.②The formal scale includes 5 dimensions and 30 items,and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the five factor structural model of people's sense of gain fits well(x2/df=2.93,P<0.001,TLI=0.923,CFI=0.930,RMSEA=0.057);③The Cronbach's α of the scale was 0.957,and the Cronbach's α of the five dimensions was 0.897,0.838,0.896,0.801,and 0.913,with good internal consistency;④The correlation coefficient between the di-mensions of the scale was less than the correlation coefficient between the dimension and the total score.Each dimen-sion had certain independence and consistency,and the scale had good structural validity.Conclusion:The scale has good reliability and validity,which can be used to evaluate people's sense of gain in the construction process of Hain-an Free Trade Port,and has certain guiding significance for improving people's sense of gain.


三亚学院社会学院 572022



Construction of Hainan Free Trade PortSense of gainTheoretical modelScale preparation

《中国健康心理学杂志》 2024 (004)

567-574 / 8


