

Habitat suitability assessment of Wanshan Marine Ranch based on biological resources


万山群岛海域生态环境日益恶化、渔业资源持续衰退,因此建设万山群岛海洋牧场,修复海域生态环境、实现渔业资源可持续利用迫在眉睫.针对现阶段基于海洋生物资源的海洋牧场适宜性评估的研究较少,本研究利用渔业资源调查和全球物种数据库记录数据及 13 个环境因素数据,采用物种分布模型MaxEnt对选择的白姑鱼、日本金线鱼、红星梭子蟹和浅缝骨螺潜在分布区进行预测,探讨海洋生物地理分布与海洋环境因素之间的关系进而进行万山海洋牧场生境适宜性评估,结果表明:(1)各模型AUC值均大于0.9,说明构建的模型对这些物种潜在分布的模拟效果较好,后续可采用MaxEnt模型对 4 种生物的栖息地分布区进行预测;(2)海底浮游植物密度、海底温度以及海底硅酸盐浓度是影响这 4种海洋生物栖息地分布的关键环境因子;(3)基于该 4 种海洋物种 MaxEnt模型的HSI分布区所存在重叠区域来看,海洋牧场拟建设区域应为纬度 21.85°N~22.15°N,经度 113.6°E~114.2°E.研究结果可为万山海洋牧场规划和建设提供科学依据.

The ecological environment in the waters of the Wanshan Archipelago is deteriorating,and there is a continuous decline in fishery resources.Urgent measures are required to establish marine ranching in the Wanshan Archipelago,restore the ecological balance in the waters,and ensure the sustainable utilization of fishery resources.Currently,limited research exists on the suitability assessment of marine ranching based on marine biological re-sources.This study utilized fishery resource survey data from December 2020,along with the data of 13 environ-mental factors.The MaxEnt species distribution model was employed to predict potential distribution areas for se-lected species,namely Pennahia argentata,Nemipterus japonicus,Portunus sanguinolentus,and Murex trapa.The study aimed to explore the relationship between the geographical distribution of these marine species and the envi-ronmental factors and conduct a habitat suitability assessment for Wanshan Marine Ranch.The results revealed the following:(1)Area under the curve values for each model exceeded 0.9,indicating a well-simulated potential dis-tribution of these species by the constructed model.The MaxEnt model can be applied in the future to predict habi-tat distribution areas for the four species;(2)Benthic phytoplankton density,seabed temperature,and seafloor sili-cate concentration emerged as crucial environmental factors influencing the distribution of these four marine spe-cies;(3)Based on the overlapping areas of the habitat suitability index distribution for the four marine species using the MaxEnt model,the recommended construction area for marine ranching is suggested to be in the range of 21.85-22.15°N latitude and 113.6-114.2°E longitude.These research findings offer a scientific basis for the plan-ning and construction of Wanshan Marine Ranch.


中国海洋大学 海洋生命学院,山东 青岛 266003山东省渔业发展和资源养护总站,山东 烟台 264003中国科学院南海海洋研究所,广东 广州,510301中国海洋大学 水产学院,山东 青岛 266003



marine ranchingWanshan Archipelagosuitability assessmentMaxEnt model

《海洋科学》 2024 (001)

75-84 / 10

国家自然科学基金项目(42176234)National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.42176234

