

Vibration acceleration test and analysis of large flow high-pressure combustion-heater


针对不同采样频率下(10、20、50、100、200 kHz)大流量高压燃烧加热器振动加速度差异较大的问题进行了研究,开展了冷吹试验、敲击试验、点火试验.采用时域分析法中的均方根、偏度、峭度,频域分析法中的功率谱密度,时频域分析法中的小波变换,并结合模态参数识别中的多参考最小二乘复频域法重点分析了 10 kHz和 200 kHz采样频率下的振动数据.获得了传感器的安装谐振频率、安装底座和待测设备组合体的固有频率以及加热器运行的主要频段,与声振频率计算公式的结果偏差小于 5%.研究结果表明,采用 10 kHz的采样频率能够有效表征加热器的振动情况,该方法可为大型复杂燃烧设备振动测试采样频率的选择提供参考.

In this study,the differences in vibration acceleration data caused by different sampling frequency(10,20,50,100,200 kHz)of the large flow and high pressure combustion-heater were analyzed.And the cold blowing test,knock experiment and ignition test were carried out.Then,the root mean square(RMS),skewness,kurtosis in the time domain,the power spectral density(PSD)in the frequency domain,the wavelet transform in the time-frequency domain,and the polyreference least squares complex frequency(PolyLSCF)domain method for modal parameter identification were applied to analyze the vibration data at the sampling frequency of 10 kHz and 200 kHz.Finally,the mounting resonant frequency of the sensor,the natural frequency of the mounting base and the facility,as well as the main frequency band in which the heater operates,are obtained and deviate by<5%from the result of the acoustic-structural coupling frequency formula.The results show that the vibration of heaters can be effectively characterized by using a sampling frequency of 10 kHz,and this method can provide a reference for the selection of sampling frequency for vibration testing of large and complex combustion facility.


中国空气动力研究与发展中心,绵阳 621000


vibration accelerationsample frequencycombustion-heaterhigh temperature wind tunneltest methods

《空气动力学学报》 2024 (003)

83-91 / 9

