

Research on the Teaching of Basic Nursing Theory and Practice Course in Nursing Upgrade to Undergraduate Level


目的 了解护理专升本学生对《基础护理理论与实践》课程教学的感受,为提高教学和学习效果提供参考依据.方法 选取 2021 年 3-7 月新疆医科大学 698 名专升本护生为调查对象,采用问卷调查的方式,探讨《基础护理理论与实践》课程的授课内容、教学方法及考核方式等.结果 1)在护理专升本学生中,女生 609 名(87.25%)占比大于男生 89 名(12.75%);北疆 379 名(54.30%)高于南疆 271 名(38.83%)和疆外 48 名(6.88%);对专业感兴趣的为 481 名(68.91%),不感兴趣的为 75 名(10.74%).2)在理论学习方面,学生认为排列在前 3 位的重要内容为:静脉输液与输血 633 名(90.69%)、病情观察及危重症患者的管理 607 名(86.96%)、给药 598 名(85.67%).实验项目中,学生认为心肺复苏最重要 626 名(89.68%),其次为静脉输液 620 名(88.83%)及各种注射法 616 名(88.25%).3)授课方式方面:理论授课中选择案例式教学法最多 623名(89.26%),实验授课中选择演示法最多 607 名(86.96%).4)在考核评价方式方面:选择线上考核的形式的学生最多,共 565 名(80.95%).结论 专升本的学生在性别、生源地、对专业的兴趣度及选择专升本的原因存在多元化,学生在学习中对教学内容、教学方法及考核评价方式的选择存在差异,教师应根据学生实际情况,调整教学内容、教学方法及考核评价方法,以提高教学效果.

Objective To investigate the students'feelings about the teaching of Basic Nursing Theory and Practice,and to provide a reference for improving the teaching and learning effect.Methods A total of 698 post-secondary nursing students were selected as the survey subjects of Xinjiang Medical University from March to July 2021 and the teaching content,teaching methods and assessment methods of the Basic Nursing Theory and Practice course were explored by questionnaire survey.Results 1)Among the nursing students,609(87.25%)were more female than 89(12.75%)male students,379(54.30%)in northern Xinjiang were higher than 271(38.83%)in southern Xinjiang and 48(6.88%)outside Xinjiang,481(68.91%)were interested in the major,and 75(10.74%)were not interested.2)In terms of theoretical learning,the top three important contents were as follows:intravenous infusion and blood transfusion for 633 students(90.69%),disease observation and management of critically ill patients for 607 students(86.96%),and administration of drugs for 598 students(85.67%).In the experimental project,626 students(89.68%)considered cardiopulmonary resuscitation to be the most important,followed by 620(88.83%)with intravenous infusion and 616(88.25%)with various injection methods.3)In terms of teaching methods,623 students(89.26%)chose case-based teaching in theoretical teaching and 607(86.96%)chose demonstration method in experimental teaching.4)In terms of assessment and evaluation methods:565(80.95%)chose the form of online assessment.Conclusion There is diversity in gender,place of origin,interest in the major,and reasons for choosing to upgrade from a vocational college to a bachelor's degree among students,and there are differences in students'choice of teaching content,teaching methods and assessment methods in learning,so teachers should adjust the teaching content,teaching methods and assessment and evaluation methods according to the actual situation of students to improve the teaching effect.


新疆医科大学护理学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830017



upgrade to undergraduate levelnursing studentsbasic nursing theory and practiceteaching contentteaching methodsassessment and evaluation method

《继续医学教育》 2024 (003)

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