

The Application Status of Flipped Classroom in Periodontology Teaching


牙周健康不仅是口腔健康的重要基础,也与全身健康有着密不可分的联系.因此,提升牙周病学教学水平、提高医学生牙周病诊疗能力迫在眉睫.近年来,翻转课堂作为一种与时俱进的新型教学模式在医学领域人才培养中得到广泛应用.文章系统分析了牙周病学教学过程中翻转课堂的多元化模式,发现将翻转课堂与以问题为基础的教学法(problem-based learning,PBL)和以案例为基础的教学法(case-based learning,CBL)相结合,有助于提升学生学习兴趣、激发学习的主动性和提高学习效率;将翻转课堂与以团队为基础的教学法(team-based learning,TBL)相结合,有助于实现个性化学习与团队学习的融合,提升学生的沟通和团队协作能力;将翻转课堂与微课相结合,有利于充分发挥信息化手段的优势,突破时空的限制,并提升学生的自主学习能力.翻转课堂与多种教学模式的有机融合为牙周病学教学模式的改革提供了方向.

Periodontal health is not only an important foundation for oral health,but also closely related to systemic health.Therefore,it is urgent to improve the teaching level of periodontology and enhance the diagnosis and treatment ability of medical students in periodontal diseases.In recent years,flipped classroom,as a new teaching model that keeps pace with the times,has been widely applied in cultivation in the medical field.This article systematically analyzes the diversified models of flipped classroom in the teaching process of periodontology,and finds that combining flipped classroom with problem-based learning(PBL)and case-based learning(CBL)can help enhance students'interest in learning,stimulate their initiative in learning,and improve learning efficiency.Combining flipped classroom with team-based learning(TBL)can help achieve the integration of personalized learning and team learning,enhance students'communication and teamwork abilities.Combining flipped classroom with micro-lecture is beneficial for fully leveraging the advantages of information technology,breaking through the limitations of time and space,and enhancing students'self-learning ability.The organic integration of flipped classroom and various teaching models provides direction for the teaching reform of periodontology.


口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室/国家口腔医学中心/国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心/四川大学华西口腔医院牙周病科,四川 成都 610041



flipped classroomteaching modelperiodontologystomatology educationmulti-disciplinary treatmentteaching quality

《继续医学教育》 2024 (003)

176-179 / 4

