Analysis of Leakage Consequences of Urban Natural Gas Pipeline Based on ALOHA Software
以ALOHA软件为基础,在一定条件下,对天然气管道泄漏后果进行分析.天然气管道泄漏后,若被立即点燃,会产生喷射火,其后果区域最远达30 m.若泄漏后某时刻蒸气云天然气体积分数进入爆炸极限范围,被点燃后会发生蒸气云爆炸,最大后果区域达到31 m.根据天然气管道泄漏后果分析,建议设置30 m的管道保护区域,并采取保护措施.
Based on ALOHA software,the con-sequences of gas pipeline leakage are analyzed under certain conditions.After a natural gas pipeline leak,if it is immediately ignited,a jet fire will be generated,and the maximum consequence area reaches 30 m.If the volume fraction of natural gas in the vapor cloud enters the explosion limit range at some time after leak-age,the vapor cloud explosion will occur after it is igni-ted,and the maximum consequence area reaches 31m.According to the consequence analysis of natural gas pipeline leakage,it is recommended to set up a 30 m pipeline protection area and take protective measures.
深圳市燃气集团股份有限公司,广东深圳 518049
urban gas pipelineareal locations of hazardous atmospheres(ALOHA)softwareleakage consequencesvapor cloud
《煤气与热力》 2024 (004)
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