

Characteristics of soil N2O emissions with different salinity contents in coastal saline soil


[目的]滨海盐渍土壤作为耕地的后备资源,具有强大的生产潜力,科学改良应用盐渍土壤的同时综合考量温室气体的排放,有利于实现经济-环境的双赢.探究不同盐度滨海盐渍土 N2O排放规律特征,可为后续盐渍土壤盐度管控和温室效应的应对提供科学依据.[方法]采集自然形成的不同盐度梯度的滨海盐渍土壤进行室内培养试验,土壤盐度分别为0.96、2.57、4.04和15.23 mS·cm-1,并依次命名为Y1、Y2、Y3、Y4,采用气相色谱动态监测土壤N2O的排放特征.[结果]不同盐分浓度影响下盐渍土壤N2O累积排放量存在显著差异,当土壤盐度为0.96~4.04 mS·cm-1时,随着盐度上升,土壤N2O排放量下降;当盐度达到15.23 mS·cm-1时,N2O再次被刺激产生,排放量(2 598.94 μg·kg-1)仅次于轻度盐渍土(5 384.17 μg·kg-1).盐度的增加给土壤微生物生存带来压力,氨氧化细菌AOB相较于古菌AOA更易受到盐分的影响,在轻、重度盐渍化土壤(Y1、Y2、Y3)中AOA仍能保持较高丰度;而在高盐分土壤(Y4)中,AOA和AOB的相对丰度受到抑制,阻碍了硝化作用的进行.盐度梯度影响下N2O累积排放量还与反硝化潜势(PDR)呈显著正相关.当盐度持续增加,土壤类型划分为盐土(Y4)时,nosZ基因丰度显著降低,N2O还原作用减弱,使得Y4盐渍土中的氮素最终以N2O的形式排放.[结论]盐度梯度影响滨海盐渍土壤硝化和反硝化进程,二者共同促进了土壤氮素的转化,造成N2O排放的差异.当EC2.5∶1为0.96~4.04 mS·cm-1时,盐度的提高限制硝化、反硝化作用的速率,表现出N2O的减排;当盐分分类达到盐土标准时,由硝化作用产生的N2O减少,由反硝化作用(异养反硝化和硝化细菌反硝化)产生的N2O成为盐土土壤的主要温室气体排放来源.

[Objectives]Coastal saline soils,as potential arable land reserves,harbor significant productive capacities.A win-win scenario for business and environment can be achieved by scientifically enhancing and employing saline soils while taking greenhouse gas emissions into account.We examined the N2O emission patterns from coastal saline soils at varying salinity levels in order to lay a scientific foundation for later efforts in salinity regulation and mitigating the greenhouse effect.[Methods]Natural coastal saline soils with varying salinity gradients were collected for the laboratory incubation experiment.The soil salinity levels were measured as 0.96,2.57,4.04 and 15.23 mS·cm-1,respectively labeled as Y1,Y2,Y3 and Y4.Gas chromatography was employed to monitor the emission characteristics of N2O from coastal saline soils at different salinity levels.[Results]Variable soil salinity levels resulted in dramatically variable N2O emissions.Soil N2O emissions decreased as salinity contents increased within the salinity range of 0.96 to 4.04 mS·cm-1.N2O production was again enhanced when the salinity contents reached 15.23 mS·cm-1.The emissions(2 598.94μg·kg-1)were second only to those recorded in soils with a moderate salinity level(5 384.17 μg·kg-1).The survival of soil microorganisms was stressed by the rise in salt.Salinity disturbances were more likely to affect ammonia-oxidizing bacteria(AOB)than ammonia-oxidizing archaea(AOA).AO A remained comparatively more abundant in soils that were either strongly or moderately salinized(Y1,Y2,Y3).On the other hand,the relative abundances of AOA and AOB decreased in heavily salinized soil(Y4),which hindered the nitrification process.Additionally,the cumulative N2O emission demonstrated a strong positive association with the potential denitrification rate(PDR)under the effect of the salinity gradient.One of the primary elements influencing denitrification was the amount of organic material present.Because microorganisms might directly use dissolved organic carbon(DOC),they had the ability to manage its turnover in soil.The abundance of the nosZ gene dramatically decreased as the salt content kept rising and the soil type was identified as saline.The nitrogen in the saline soil of Y4 eventually discharged in the form of N2O due to the inability to complete the N2O reduction process.[Conclusions]In coastal saline soils,the salinity gradient affected the nitrification and denitrification processes,which both significantly contributed to the transformation of soil nitrogen and produced distinct N2O emissions.The rising salinity contents lowered the rates of nitrification and denitrification,which decreased N2O emission in the range of 0.96-4.04 mS·cm-1 for EC25∶1.N2O emissions from nitrification processes(heterotrophic denitrification and nitrifier denitrification)became the main source of N2O emissions in saline soils,but nitrification production declined as the salt classification exceeded salty soil.


南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院/农业农村部东南沿海农业绿色低碳重点实验室,江苏南京 210095



coastal saline soilsalinitynitrous oxide(N2O)function genes

《南京农业大学学报》 2024 (002)

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