

Effects of irrigation of salt-tolerant rice with aquaculture wastewater on soil and plant


[目的]水产养殖废水可以作为替代性水源进行农业灌溉,本研究旨在分析不同浓度的水产养殖废水灌溉耐盐水稻对土壤、植物及生态经济效益的影响.[方法]以耐盐水稻为供试植物进行盆栽试验,设置淡水与水产养殖废水体积比1∶1(DY)、水产养殖废水(Y)2种灌溉处理,以淡水(D)灌溉为对照,监测土壤理化性质变化情况、耐盐水稻生长及产量,以此为依据并结合稻田生态系统服务价值评估方法计算水产养殖废水灌溉耐盐水稻过程中产生的生态经济效益价值.[结果]水产养殖废水灌溉能够降低土壤pH值、提高土壤电导率(EC),同时水产养殖废水能够改善土壤物理性状,降低土壤容重,提高土壤孔隙度,改善土壤持水状况;水产养殖废水灌溉能够不同程度增加土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和速效磷含量,提高土壤肥力;与D灌溉相比,DY能有效增加耐盐水稻株高和生物量,提高耐盐水稻产量,增产达199%;D灌溉、DY灌溉、Y灌溉3种处理系统的生态经济效益按从大到小的处理依次为DY灌溉(30 532.08元·hm-2)、Y灌溉(20 980.63元·hm-2)、D灌溉(13 208.60元·hm-2).[结论]淡水与水产养殖废水按体积比1∶1混合灌溉能够改善土壤理化性质,增加土壤肥力,提高作物产量,并且可以带来较大的生态经济效益价值,为最优的灌溉模式.

[Objectives]Aquaculture wastewater can be used as an alternative water source for agricultural irrigation.The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of irrigation of saline-alkali tolerant rice with different concentrations of aquaculture wastewater on soil,plant and ecological economic benefits.[Methods]Salt-tolerant rice was used as the test plant for pot experiment.By setting freshwater and aquaculture wastewater(V∶V=1∶1)(DY)and aquaculture wastewater(Y)irrigation treatments,and freshwater(D)irrigation was used as the control to monitor the changes of soil physical and chemical properties,the growth and yield of saline-alkali tolerant rice.Based on this,the ecological economic benefits value generated by aquaculture wastewater irrigation of saline-alkali tolerant rice was calculated combined with the evaluation method of paddy field ecosystem services.[Results]The irrigation of aquaculture wastewater could reduce the soil pH value and increase the soil electrical conductivity(EC),while the aquaculture wastewater could improve the physical properties of the soil,reduce the bulk density of the soil,improve the porosity of the soil,and improve the water holding status of the soil.Aquaculture wastewater irrigation could increase soil organic matter,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and available phosphorus contents in different degrees,and improve soil fertility.Compared with D irrigation,DY could effectively increase the height of saline-alkali tolerant rice,increase the biomass of saline-alkali tolerant rice,improve the yield of saline-alkali tolerant rice,and increase the yield by 199%.The ecological economic benefits generated by the three treatments were DY irrigation(30 532.08 yuan·hm-2),Y irrigation(20 980.63 yuan·hm-2),and D irrigation(13 208.60 yuan·hm-2)in the order of size.[Conclusions]Freshwater and aquaculture waste water(1∶1)could improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil,increase soil fertility,and crop yield,and bring greater ecological economic benefits value,which was the best irrigation mode.


南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,江苏南京 210095河海大学地球科学与工程学院,江苏南京 211100



aquaculture wastewaterirrigationsalt-tolerant riceecological economic benefits

《南京农业大学学报》 2024 (002)

264-273 / 10


