

Seed viability of Ageratum conyzoides in different soil environments


[目的]本文旨在通过探究胜红蓟种子在不同土壤环境中的存活力大小,揭示胜红蓟种子在农田形成优势种群的原因.[方法]以胜红蓟种子为研究对象,检测胜红蓟种子采收后210 d内在不同温度、湿度、深度、pH值、盐浓度和渗透势土壤环境下存活力动态.[结果]在10~30 ℃的土壤贮藏环境中,210 d内最适萌发温度始终为20 ℃,因此,将20℃培养的胜红蓟种子萌发率作为表征种子存活力的指标.在不同的土壤温度、湿度环境中,胜红蓟种子在5~30℃、土壤湿度20%环境中贮藏120 d的种子存活力均高于90%.在土壤深度20 cm,贮藏120 d的胜红蓟种子存活力无显著下降;贮藏深度达到30 cm种子存活力下降至60%.在pH值为4~10环境中贮藏120 d的胜红蓟种子存活力一直维持在95%以上,各处理之间无显著差异.在不同NaCl浓度的土壤环境中贮藏150 d的胜红蓟种子存活力无显著差异,存活力均超过95%;贮藏180 d后,160 mmol·L-1 NaCl处理种子存活力才显著低于其他处理.在渗透势高于-0.8 MPa的土壤环境中,贮藏150 d各处理胜红蓟种子存活力保持在95%以上;当渗透势达到-1 MPa时,贮藏180 d的种子存活力下降至85%.[结论]贮藏210 d,胜红蓟种子在不同梯度土壤温度、土壤湿度、pH值、盐浓度、渗透势、深度的贮藏条件下存活力保持稳定,显示出强大的适应性和耐受性,可能是其成为热带亚热带地区农田恶性杂草的原因.

[Objectives]The paper aimed to explore the viability of Ageratum conyzoides seeds in different soil environments to reveal the reasons why A.conyzoides seeds form dominant population in farmland.[Methods]This study was conducted to examine the seed viability and dynamic of A.conyzoides stored for 210 d after harvesting after storage at different temperature,humidity,depth,pH value,salt concentration and osmotic potential in soils.[Results]In the soil environment of 10-30℃,the optimum germination temperature was always 20 ℃.Therefore,the germination rate of seeds of A.conyzoides at 20 ℃ after the breaking of dormancy was used as a proxy for seed viability.The viability of seeds stored at 5-30 ℃ and soil humidity 20%for 120 d was higher than 90%under different soil temperature and humidity conditions.Seed viability did not decrease significantly after 180 d of storage at 20 cm of soil depth;it only decreased to 60%stored at 30 cm of soil depth.The viability of the seeds of A.conyzoides stored for 120 d at pH 4-10 was maintained above 95%with no significant differences among treatments.The seed viability of A.conyzoides stored for 150 d in different NaCl concentrations in the soil environment was unchanged more than 95%;after 180 d of storage,the viability of seeds treated with 160 mmol·L-1was significantly lower than that of the other treatments.Seed viability was maintained above 95%in all treatments when it was stored for 150 d in a soil environment with an osmotic potential above-0.8 MPa;it only decreased to 85%when it was stored for 180 d with an osmotic potential below-1 MPa.[Conclusions]It could be inferred that the seed viability of A.conyzoides showed strong adaptability and tolerance to fluctuations in soil temperature and humidity,pH value,salt concentration,osmotic potential,and burial depth in 210 d,which might be the reason for its becoming a destructive weed in agricultural fields in tropical subtropical regions.


云南农业大学省部共建生物多样性利用与保护国家重点实验室,云南昆明 650201



Ageratum conyzoidessoil environmentseed viabilitypersistence

《南京农业大学学报》 2024 (002)


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