

Experimental study on the classification performance of a gradually expanding underflow hydrocyclone


针对在磨矿分级系统中,旋流器高底流浓度易出现绳状排料现象,导致底流口堵塞,造成溢流跑粗,降低了分离精度等问题,提出了一种渐扩底流口结构,并对底流口结构进行试验研究,分析了在不同浓度下底流口渐扩角度对产物浓度、粒度、综合分级效率、底流产率等的影响规律.结果表明,随着旋流器进料浓度升高,底流排料散射角度减小,当进料浓度大于10%时,旋流器出现绳状排料现象,改用渐扩底流口可减轻绳状排料现象,旋流器底流排料散射角度随着底流口渐扩角度的增加呈现出先增加后减小的趋势;当旋流器进料浓度大于10%时,旋流器底流排料散射角度与旋流器分级性能呈整体对应关系,在不同的进料浓度下,合理选用相对应渐扩角度的底流口可以使旋流器分离效果达到最佳;在进料浓度为25%时,旋流器常规底流口溢流产物中+20 μm粒级含量为62.44%;相较于常规底流口,渐扩底流口结构可使旋流器溢流中+20 μm粒级含量降低22.54%;底流口渐扩角为60°时,旋流器-40 μm粒级综合分级效率最高,相较于20°渐扩角底流口分级效率增加了15.72%.

A gradually expanding underflow structure was proposed to address the problem of rope-like discharge phenomenon at high underflow concentration of hydrocyclones in grinding and classification systems,which can lead to blockage of underflow orifices,causing escape of coarse particles in the overflow and reducing separation accuracy.Experimental research was conducted on the underflow orifice structure,and the influence of the gradually expanding angle of underflow orifices on product concentration,particle size,comprehensive classification efficiency,and underflow yield under different concentrations was analyzed.The results indicate that as the feed concentration of the hydrocyclone increases,the scattering angle of the underflow discharge decreases.When the feed concentration is greater than 10%,a rope-shaped discharge phenomenon occurs in the hydrocyclone,changing to a gradually expanding underflow orifice can reduce the rope-shaped discharge phenomenon.The scattering angle of the underflow discharge of the hydrocyclone shows a trend of first increasing and then decreasing as the angle of the underflow orifice gradually expands.When the feed concentration of the hydrocyclone is greater than 10%,the scattering angle of the underflow discharge of the hydrocyclone shows an overall corresponding relationship with the classification performance of the hydrocyclone.Under different feed concentrations,selecting an underflow orifice with corresponding gradually expanding angles can achieve the best separation effect of the hydrocyclone.At 25%feed concentration,the content of +20 μm particle size in the overflow material from the conventional underflow orifice of the hydrocyclone is 62.44%.Compared to conventional underflow orifices,the gradually expanding underflow orifice structure can make the content of +20 μm particle size in the hydrocyclone overflow decreased by 22.54%;The comprehensive classification efficiency of the hydrocyclone for-40 μm particle size is the highest when the underflow angle is 60°,an increase by 15.72%compared to the underflow angle of 20°.


山东科技大学 机械电子工程学院,山东青岛 266590丹东东方测控技术股份有限公司,辽宁丹东 118002



hydrocyclonetapered underflow orificedischarge angleclassification performance

《流体机械》 2024 (003)


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