

Performance evaluation of the shielding effectiveness testing system for boundary deformation mutual coupling reverberation chambers


混混响室复杂强电磁环境下开展材料屏蔽效能测试是电磁防护领域的研究热点.研究边界形变互耦混响室屏蔽效能测试系统性能,开展了动态范围、电场分布特性和不确定度三个方面的试验验证,结果表明:在实际测试中,测试结果小于 60 dB即为可信测试值;在 1~10 GHz频段内,互耦混响室发射室的空间电场标准偏差小于 3 dB,接收室的空间电场标准偏差小于 2 dB,满足国际、国内相关标准要求,场均匀性良好;测试系统的扩展不确定度为5.90 dB,可以作为材料屏蔽效能测试平台使用.

Conducting material shielding effectiveness testing in complex electromagnetic environments of reverberation chambers has become a key technology for accurately evaluating the electromagnetic protection ability of materials.To study the performance of the boundary deformation mutual coupling reverberation chamber shielding effectiveness testing system,experiments were conducted to verify the dynamic range,electric field distribution characteristics,and uncertainty.The results show that:in actual testing,a test result less than 60 dB is considered a reliable test value;the standard deviation of the electric field in both the transmitting and receiving reverberation chambers is less than 3 dB within the testing frequency range,fully meeting the uniformity requirements of the reverberation chamber;especially,the standard deviation of the spatial electric field in the receiving reverberation chamber is all less than 2 dB,and the uniformity is excellent;the expanded uncertainty of the testing system is 5.90 dB,which can be used as a material shielding effectiveness testing platform.


陆军工程大学石家庄校区电磁环境效应国家级重点实验室,石家庄 050003



boundary deformationmutual couplingreverberation chambershielding effectivenessspace electric field

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (004)

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