

CEO's Education Background and the Quality of Internal Control Information Disclosure


高学历水平通常意味着拥有更扎实的专业素养以及更理性的行为,而在愈发重视内部控制信息披露的资本市场中,作为核心管理者的首席执行官(CEO),其教育背景是否与内部控制信息披露水平具有重要联系?基于2007-2021 年中国A股上市公司的相关数据,实证检验CEO教育背景对企业内部控制信息披露质量的影响.基准回归结果表明,高学历CEO能稳健地提升企业内部控制信息披露质量.进一步的机制分析结果表明,CEO学历水平有效提升了CEO能力,从而促进内部控制信息披露质量提升,而CEO能力所隐含的声誉也是重要机制之一.分项检验结果显示,高学历CEO主要提高了内部环境、控制活动及信息与沟通等方面的信息披露质量.异质性分析结果显示,对于代理问题成本高、规模小的企业,高学历CEO对企业内部控制信息披露质量的提升效应更为明显.研究结论丰富了CEO个人特征的经济后果研究和内部控制信息披露质量的影响因素研究,为经理人的治理作用增添了新的经验证据.

In 2002,the United States passed Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act,requiring publicly traded firms to establish systems encompassing the five elements of internal control to enhance corporate transparency.Chi-na also implemented significant adjustments to its regulations on internal control information disclosure.It intro-duced the Basic Standards for Company Internal Control in 2001,established the Internal Control Standards Com-mittee in 2006,and subsequently issued the Basic Regulations for Company Internal Control and the Supporting Guidelines for Company Internal Control in 2008 and 2010,respectively.The issuance and gradual implementation of these regulations signaled China's transition into mandatory internal control information disclosure for its capital markets. High-quality internal control information disclosure contributes to mitigating information asymmetry between companies and investors,enhancing stock pricing efficiency,reducing risks,and promoting innovation.However,existing research on internal control information disclosure has primarily focused on corporate governance environ-ment,auditor characteristics,management attributes,and firms'basic characteristics,with limited research from the perspective of CEO's personal characteristics.CEO's personal traits directly influence decisions regarding inter-nal control information disclosure.Given the increasing importance of CEO's educational backgrounds in capital markets and the necessity for high-quality internal control information disclosure,this paper examines the logical re-lationship between CEO's educational backgrounds and the quality of internal control information disclosure. Based on data from Chinese A-share listed firms between 2007 and 2021,this paper empirically examines the impact of CEO's educational backgrounds on the quality of internal control information disclosure.The results indi-cate that CEOs with higher educational qualifications robustly enhance the quality of internal control information dis-closure.Further analysis reveals that educational levels effectively improve CEO capabilities,thereby improving in-ternal control information disclosure quality,with CEO reputation being one of the essential mechanisms.Subse-quent tests demonstrate that CEOs with higher educational qualifications primarily elevate disclosure quality in areas related to the internal environment,control activities,and information and communication.Heterogeneity analysis reveals that the positive impact of CEOs with higher educational qualifications on the quality of internal control in-formation disclosure is more pronounced in firms facing more severe agency problems or being smaller in scale. In conclusion,the educational level of CEOs has a positive impact on the quality of internal control information disclosure.This study not only enriches research on economic consequences related to CEO's personal characteris-tics but also expands the factors influencing the quality of internal control information disclosure.It provides manag-erial insights for improving the quality of internal control information disclosure for listed companies and offers refer-ence for different types of firms.


首都经济贸易大学 会计学院, 北京 100070



CEOeducation backgroundinternal control information disclosureCEO capabilityreputation

《首都经济贸易大学学报》 2024 (002)

80-97 / 18


