

Reconstruction of the 1632 rainstorm and flooding event in North China


以历史文献为主要代用资料,重建了1632 年华北地区暴雨洪涝事件的雨情、水情、灾情等,从而识别出1632年8月河南地区暴雨事件的时空范围,并与有器测记录的2021年河南极端降水事件进行对比.1632年华北地区大规模降水始于7月17日,从6月18日—11月11日,整个华北不同区域皆存有长时间降雨记录,且有多次强降水记录,造成黄淮地区雨涝,并使得黄淮交溃,对社会经济造成较大影响.梳理降水和洪涝的过程,区分了本地降水与客水的分布.将 1632 年 8月河南暴雨洪涝与 2021 年 7月河南极端降水事件对比发现,强降水位置相似,降水前后都有两个台风输送水汽,且1632和2021年华北地区夏季降水皆受到拉尼娜的影响,整体偏涝.

Based on the historical documents the 1632 North China rain and flood event was reconstructed with the rainfall,water distribution and disaster.The spatial and temporal extent of the heavy rainfall event in Henan province in August 1632 was identified and compared with the extreme precipitation event in Henan province in 2021,which is supported by instrumental records.The large-scale precipitation in North China in 1632 began on July 17th.From June 18th to November 11th,there were records of prolonged rainfall in different areas of the entire North China region.This prolonged precipitation,along with several instances of heavy rainfall,resulted in severe flooding in the Huanghuai region.The flooding was so severe that it caused the Yellow River to overflow and collapse,leading to significant socio-economic impacts.Through analyses of the precipitation and flooding process,local precipitation and water brought by external sources were differentiated.In 1632,the eastern monsoon region of China experienced a drought-flood pattern,with partial flooding in southern and northern China and partial drought in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.A comparison between the torrential rainfall and flooding in North China in 1632 and the extreme precipitation event in Henan in July 2021 revealed several similarities.Both events saw heavy precipitation concentrated along the eastern foothills of the Taihang Mountains and the east side of the Funiu Mountains,influenced by topography.In 2021,the center of heavy precipitation was further north.The extreme precipitation in Henan in 2021 was linked to Typhoon"Fireworks",with similar typhoon activity recorded in Jiangsu and Zhejiang before and after the 1632 event.Both years were affected by pre-La Niña events,leading to flooding in North China.Moving forward,it is crucial to focus on La Niña and typhoon events,enhance heavy rainfall forecasting and disaster warning capabilities,and prioritize urban flood prevention to prevent events like the"7∙20"Zhengzhou urban flooding.These findings can inform future flood control strategies.


复旦大学历史地理研究中心,上海 200433


Heavy rainfall and floodingNorth China"21∙7"Henan rainstormHistorical periodTyphoon rainstorms

《气候变化研究进展》 2024 (002)

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