

Qualitative Study on Relocation Stress Experience of Family Members of Patients with Severe Trau-matic Brain Injury in Early Stage of ICU Transfer-out


目的 探究重型颅脑创伤患者ICU转出早期其家属的迁移应激体验,为制订有效应对策略、促进家属心理适应提供参考.方法 采用目的抽样法,选取转出ICU 72 h内的重型颅脑创伤患者的直接照护者作为访谈对象,对其进行面对面半结构式深度访谈.采用描述性现象学研究法及Colaizz七步分析法对访谈内容进行整理分析及主题提炼.结果 针对访谈内容,提炼出重型颅脑损伤患者ICU转出早期其家属3个方面的心理体验:即患者转出ICU前后家属心理充满矛盾、对患者照护倍感压力以及希望了解更多疾病及照护相关内容.其中,对患者早日转出ICU的期待、对转出ICU时机的疑虑以及对普通病房照护条件的顾虑等构成家属的矛盾心理;其感到的照护压力来自照护工作本身、心理及经济方面等;同时,家属也希望通过有效的医患/护患沟通了解更多患者疾病及治疗信息、住院环境及流程的介绍指导、照护知识和技能等.结论 医护人员应关注转出ICU早期患者家属的迁移应激体验,为其提供更多心理及信息支持,帮助家属顺利过渡,促进其照顾能力提升及患者康复.

Objective To explore the relocation stress experience of family members of patients with severe traumatic brain injury(sTBI)in the early stage of ICU transfer-out,aiming to provide a reference for formulating effective coping strategies and promoting psychological adaptability of the family members.Methods The direct caregivers of sTBI patients who were transferred out from the ICU for less than 72 hours were selected by purposive sampling.They were investigated through face-to-face semi-structured in-depth interviews.Their interview data was sorted out,analyzed and refined using a phenomenological approach and Colaizzi's seven-step analysis method.Results The following themes were extracted from the interview data regarding the psychological experience of the family members of sTBI patients in the early stage of ICU transfer-out:1)emotional ambivalence before and after ICU transfer-out,2)perceived caregiving pressure,and 3)desire to learn more about patients'diseases and caregiving.The emotional ambivalence of family members was composed of the expectations for early transfer out from the ICU,doubts about the timing of transfer-out and concerns about caregiving conditions in general wards.The caregiving pressure perceived by family members came from caregiving,psychological and economic aspects.Also,family members expressed a desire to learn more about patients'diseases and treatment,inpatient settings and processes,and caregiving expertise and skills through effective doctor/nurse-patient communication.Conclusion Healthcare providers should pay attention to the relocation stress experience of patients'family members in the early stage of ICU transfer-out.Moreover,healthcare providers should provide them with more psychological and information support to help them through the ICU period,enhance their caregiving skills and accelerate patient recovery.


上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院护理部,上海 200127同济大学附属东方医院,上海 200120



Severe traumatic brain injuryIntensive care unit(ICU)Family memberTransition periodRelocation stressQualitative study

《上海护理》 2024 (004)

21-26 / 6


