

Analysis of uplift bearing capacity of tower spread footing in mudstone area under water seepage


[目的]泥岩遇水易发生膨胀崩解甚至泥化,对输电杆塔基础抗拔承载力造成不良影响,需要对渗水作用下杆塔基础的抗拔承载特性展开研究.[方法]基于泥岩室内试验结果,利用有限元软件建立泥岩中扩底基础计算模型,引入温度场比拟湿度场的方法模拟泥岩地基浸水后的膨胀劣化,研究扩底基础上拔承载特性.在此基础上,分析泥岩地基浸水渗透后扩底基础极限抗拔承载力降低的具体原因;比较了泥岩地基天然状态、浸水渗透和饱和状态三种工况下极限抗拔承载力的差异以及承载力与埋深之间的关系.[结果]结果表明:增加基础埋深均能提高极限抗拔承载力,但饱和状态工况下增长最缓慢;地基浸水渗透对基础极限抗拔承载力的影响随着基础埋深增加而减弱,2.0 m埋深基础极限抗拔承载力仅为天然状态工况的63.2%,而5.0 m埋深时达到94.2%.[结论]地基浸水造成基础极限抗拔承载力降低的主要原因是地基力学参数劣化,抗剪强度减小所致.研究成果可为泥岩地区杆塔基础设计提供参考.

[Objective]Mudstone is prone to expansion and disintegration or even degradation in water,which has a negative im-pact on the uplift bearing capacity of transmission tower foundation.It is urgent to study the uplift bearing characteristics of tower foundation under water seepage.[Methods]Based on the indoor test result of mudstone,this paper uses finite element software to establish the calculation model of the enlarged bottom foundation in mudstone,and introduces the method of temperature field analogy humidity field to simulate the expansion and deterioration of mudstone foundation after soaking,and studies the uplift bearing characteristics of the enlarged bottom foundation.On this basis,the specific reasons for the decrease of ultimate pull-out bearing capacity of belled foundation after immersion and infiltration of mudstone foundation are analyzed.The difference of ulti-mate uplift bearing capacity and the relationship between bearing capacity and buried depth under three working conditions of nat-ural state,immersion infiltration and saturation state of mudstone foundation are compared.[Results]The result show that in-creasing the buried depth of the foundation can improve the ultimate pull-out bearing capacity,but the growth is the slowest under saturated conditions.The influence of foundation immersion and infiltration on the ultimate uplift bearing capacity of the founda-tion decreases with the increase of the buried depth of the foundation.The ultimate uplift bearing capacity of the foundation with 2.0 m buried depth is only 63.2%of that in the natural state,while that with 5.0 m buiied depth is 94.2%.[Conclusion]The main reason for the decrease of ultimate uplift bearing capacity of foundation caused by foundation immersion is the deterioration of foundation mechanical parameters and the decrease of shear strength.The research result can provide some reference for the design of tower foundation in mudstone area.


三峡大学电气与新能源学院,湖北宜昌 443002||湖北省输电线路工程技术研究中心(三峡大学),湖北宜昌 443002||三峡大学三峡库区地质灾害教育部重点实验室,湖北宜昌 443002三峡大学电气与新能源学院,湖北宜昌 443002华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院,湖北武汉 430074



mudstoneuplift bearing capacityspread footingnumerical simulationtemperature field

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (002)


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