

Survey on Regional Hierarchical and Transferal Management of Severe Post-partum Hemorrhage in Beijing


目的:探讨转诊中心与非转诊中心严重产后出血(SPPH)的救治现况,为区域内SPPH的预防和处理提供改进策略.方法:回顾性分析2021 年1 月至2023 年6 月北京市两区SPPH(产后出血量≥1500 ml或输血制品≥1000 ml)病例的临床资料,共纳入SPPH 201 例,根据其是否为市级转诊中心分为转诊中心组(125 例)和非转诊中心组(76 例).比较两组间的临床特征.进一步分层分析,采用Logistic 回归模型分析大量产后出血,即产后出血量≥4000 ml,和(或)输注悬浮红细胞(RBC)>10 U和(或)输注血浆>1000 ml的危险因素.结果:对两组SPPH病例分析,转诊中心组较非转诊中心组患者的年龄大,分娩孕周小,伴有孕期产后出血高危因素的比例高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);转诊中心组SPPH的首要原因为胎盘因素,而非转诊中心组的首要因素为子宫收缩乏力,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);非转诊中心组在剖宫产术中出血量高,采用B-Lynch缝合/血管缝扎的比例低,宫腔填塞比例高(P<0.05);非转诊中心组血浆输注量、重返手术室、剖腹探查、各种产后出血并发症的发生率均显著高于转诊中心组(P<0.05);非转诊中心组大量产后出血病例数显著多于转诊中心组(P<0.05).在大量产后出血病例中,转诊中心组具有孕期产后出血高危因素者多于非转诊中心组(71.4%vs.33.3%,P<0.05),转诊中心组胎盘因素是主要出血原因(57.1%),非转诊中心组子宫收缩乏力和胎盘因素是主要出血原因(42.9%,28.6%).多因素Logistic回归分析发现,非转诊中心分娩(aOR 3.47,95%CI 1.40~9.18)、多次宫腔操作史(aOR 12.63,95%CI 1.24~131.30)是大量产后出血的高危因素.结论:区域内高危孕产妇转诊管理效果较好,加强非转诊助产机构的高危因素识别、手术缝合技术和SPPH综合管理培训,预防SPPH、大量产后出血和输血的发生.

Objective:To assess the current state of care for Severe Postpartum Hemorrhage(SPPH)in refer-ral centers and non-referral centers,and to propose enhanced strategies for the regional prevention and manage-ment of SPPH.Methods:The clinical data of patients with SPPH,defined as postpartum blood loss≥1500 ml or transfusion of blood products≥1000 ml,in two districts of Beijing from January 2021 to June 2023 were retrospec-tively analyzed.A total of 201 cases of SPPH were included and they were divided into 125 cases in the referral center group and 76 cases in the non-referral center group based on whether they were city level referral centers.The clinical characteristics between these two groups were compared.Furthermore,a stratified analysis was con-ducted using a Logistic regression model to identify the risk factors associated with massive postpartum hemor-rhage,defined as postpartum hemorrhage≥4000 ml,transfusion requirements exceeding suspended red blood cells(RBC)>10 U and(or)plasma>1000 ml.Results:Analysis of cases presenting with SPPH between the two study groups showed that patients in the referral center group exhibited advanced maternal age,smaller gestation-al weeks at delivery and a higher proportion of high-risk factors compared to those in the non-referral center group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The primary cause of SPPH in the referral center group was placental factors,while uterine atony was identified as the main factor in the non-referral center group,and this difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Additionally,within the non-referral center group,there was a higher amount of blood loss during cesarean section,lower proportion of B-Lynch suture/vascular suture ligation,and higher proportion of uterine packing(P<0.05).Furthermore,compared to the referral center group,there were significantly higher incidences of plasma transfution volume,return to operating room for further inter-vention or exploratory laparotomy procedures after initial delivery and complications related to postpartum hemor-rhage observed in the non-referral center group(P<0.05).Moreover,it was noted that there were more cases of massive postpartum hemorrhagic disease reported in the non-referral center group than in the referral center group(P<0.05).In massive postpartum hemorrhage cases analyzed,referring centers had a higher percentage of patients presenting with multiple high-risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage during pregnancy when compared to non-referring centers(71.4%vs.33.3%,P<0.05).Placental factors accounted for majority causes leading to hemorrhage within referring centers(57.1%),whereas both uterine atony and placental factors played major roles within non-referring centers′cases(42.9%,28.6%).The multivariate Logistic regression analysis revealed that non-referral center delivery(aOR 3.47,95%CI 1.40-9.18)and a history of multiple intrauterine operations(aOR 12.63,95%CI 1.24-131.30)were identified as significant risk factors for massive postpartum hemor-rhage.Conclusions:The outcomes of high-risk pregnant women referral management in the region exhibit an im-provement,necessitating the reinforcement of training in non-referral midwifery institutions regarding identification of high-risk factors,surgical suture techniques,and comprehensive SPPH management to avert excessive bleed-ing and blood transfusion.


北京大学第三医院妇产科 国家产科质量控制中心,北京 100191北京大学医学院,北京 100191



Severe postpartum hemorrhageManagement of critical pregnant womenTransferalCesarean sectionMassive transfusion

《实用妇产科杂志》 2024 (003)

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