

Technical and Economical Comparisons of 2 GW Offshore Wind Power Transmission Schemes by Symmetrical Monopole and Symmetrical Bipolar VSC-HVDC


现阶段海上大容量风电接入电网通常采用柔性直流输电技术,目前已投运的海上直流工程均采用对称单极接线方案.对称双极方案虽然初期投资高,但其高可靠性可以提高运行阶段的发电盈利.基于2 GW海上风电柔性直流送出规模,开展了对称单极和对称双极系统的设计对比,提出了两种接线拓扑对应的海上换流站平台布置及结构设计方案,并对两种方案的初期建设投资及全寿命周期盈利进行了计算.结果表明对称单极方案较对称双极方案在全生命周期经济性上具有优势.

At present,the voltage source converter based high voltage direct current(VSC-HVDC)transmission technology is usually adopted for the access of large-capacity offshore wind power to the power grid.Symmetrical monopole wiring scheme is adopted for the offshore DC projects that have been put into operation.Although the symmetrical bipolar scheme has higher initial investment,its high reliability can improve the power generation profit in the operation stage.Based on the scale of 2 GW offshore wind power VSC-HVDC transmission,the design comparison of symmetrical monopole system and symmetrical bipolar system are conducted.Two schemes of offshore converter station platform layout and structure design are proposed,and the initial construction investments and full life cycle profits of the two schemes are calculated.The results show that the symmetrical monopole scheme has advantages in whole life cycle economy compared with the symmetrical bipolar scheme.


中国南方电网有限责任公司超高压输电公司电力科研院,广州 510663中国电力工程顾问集团中南电力设计院有限公司,武汉 430000



offshore converter stationVSC-HVDC transmissionsymmetrical monopolesymmetrical bipolar

《南方电网技术》 2024 (002)

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国家自然科学基金资助项目"DRU和MMC混联的轻型化多端直流系统故障穿越研究"(52277120).Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(52277120).

