

Assessment of the impact of urban waterlogging disasters on the accessibility of emergency rescue services


[目的]城市化进程加快和气候变化导致内涝积水频发,造成道路封闭和交通堵塞,给城市应急救援响应的时效性带来严重影响.为了准确评估暴雨内涝下的城市应急救援响应能力,[方法]以荔湾区为例,通过构建内涝水动力模型,模拟不同设计降雨情景下的内涝积水,识别道路积水风险,明确阻断道路,并结合两步移动搜寻法(2SFCA)对不同脆弱性的兴趣点(POI)的应急救援服务可达性进行评估.[结果]结果显示:随着降雨重现期从1a一遇增大到100 a一遇,内涝积水面积增大,平均积水深度从0.08 m增大到0.20 m.受积水影响道路数量持续增加,阻断道路长度从11 km上升至49 km,增长了超过300%.随着阻断道路的增多,应急救援可达的POI数量呈现下降趋势,并且在不同时间阈值内平均下降40%以上,可达性呈明显下降趋势.[结论]内涝模型耦合城市路网得到的道路积水可以揭示阻断道路的总体格局,可达性模型可以快速估算出应急救援的时效性.结果可为应急救援响应能力的评估提供参考.

[Objective]The acceleration of the urbanization process and the impact of climate change led to the frequent occur-rence of urban flooding,[Results]ing in road closures and traffic congestion.The timeliness of urban emergency response was significantly affected.To accurately assess the emergency response capability during storm-induced flooding,[Methods]Liwan District was taken as an example.A hydrodynamic model was constructed to simulate flooding scenarios under different rainfall intensities.Road flooding risks were identified,blocked roads were specified,and,utilizing the Two-Step Floating Catchment Area(2SFCA)method,the accessibility of emergency rescue services for different vulnerable points of interest(POIs)was as-sessed.[Results]Results indicate that,with the increase in the return period of rainfall,the flooded area and average water depth increased.The number of affected roads and the length of blocked roads rose by over 300%.As the number of blocked roads increased,the accessibility of emergency rescue services to POIs showed a decreasing trend,dropping by more than 40%within different time thresholds.[Conclusion]The findings suggest that the overall pattern of blocked roads can be revealed by the coupled urban flood model,and the timeliness of emergency response can be rapidly estimated by the accessibility model.These results provide valuable insights for the evaluation of emergency response capabilities.


北京工业大学城市建设学部,北京 100124



heavy rainfall-induced waterlogginghydrodynamic coupling modelTwo-Step Floating Catchment Area(2SFCA)emergency rescueaccessibilityclimate changeprecipitationflood

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (002)

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