

Comparative analysis of stereo and planar sources for slope breaks


深水区逐步成为海洋油气资源勘探靶区,该区域地质情况复杂,中深层地震成像存在信噪比低、分辨率低的问题,势必影响油气资源的勘探开发.为提高深水区中深层地震数据的品质,从地震数据采集的源头出发,采用立体震源和平面震源在同一采集参数下,对坡折带区同一位置重复进行地震数据采集,经过相同的处理流程后,将二者在子波、炮集频谱、近道频谱、叠加剖面频谱、最终成像等方面进行对比分析.结果表明:立体震源子波在能量强度与受鬼波干扰方面都优于平面震源,且在深水区中深层具有频带更宽的特征,尤其是 30~80 Hz频率更丰富,从而可以提高地震剖面的分辨率,改善地震数据的成像.由此可知,与平面震源相比,立体震源在改善深水区中深层地层成像方面具有较好的优势.因而在深水区中深层地质条件复杂的情况下,可采用立体震源采集地震数据,以提高地震数据成像品质.

Deep-water areas have gradually become the exploration targets of offshore oil and gas resources.Due to the intricate geolog-ical conditions of these areas,seismic imaging of moderately deep reservoirs suffers low signal-to-noise ratios and resolution,inevitably affecting the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas resources.To improve the quality of seismic data of moderately deep reservoirs in deep-water areas,this study first acquired seismic data at the same location in a slope break using stereo and planar sources under the same acquisition parameters.Then,after being processed using the same workflow,the seismic data were subjected to comparative analy-sis from the perspective of wavelets,shot gather spectra,near-trace spectra,superimposed profile spectra,and final imaging.The results indicate that the wavelets of a stereo source outperformed those of a planar source in terms of energy intensity and ghost reflection inter-ference.Moreover,for moderately deep reservoirs of the deep-water area,a stereo source exhibited broader frequency bands and especial-ly rich frequencies within 30~80 Hz.These features enhanced the resolution of seismic profiles and the imaging quality of seismic data.Thus,compared to planar sources,stereo sources enjoy more advantages in improving seismic imaging of moderately deep reservoirs in deep-water areas.Therefore,stereo sources can be employed to acquire seismic data of moderately deep reservoirs with complex geolog-ical conditions in deep-water areas,and the purpose is to improve the imaging quality of seismic data.


广东海洋大学 电子与信息工程学院,广东 湛江 524088||中国地质大学(北京) 地球物理与信息技术学院,北京 100083中国地质大学(北京) 地球物理与信息技术学院,北京 100083中海油服物探事业部 物探研究院特普数据中心(湛江),广东 湛江 524057广东海洋大学 电子与信息工程学院,广东 湛江 524088中石化绿源地热能开发有限公司,河北 保定 071800



stereo sourceplanar sourceslope breakseismic imaging

《物探与化探》 2024 (002)

461-469 / 9


