

Consistency of "Learning,Practicing and Evaluating":A Study on the Content Framework and Practice Path of Physical Education Large-Unit Teaching


2022 年《义务段体育与健康课程标准(2022 年版)》提出大单元的教学理念,如何依据大单元教学的实践实现体育与健康课堂"学、练、评"一致性的转型,是当前体育与健康课程教学改革的热点探讨话题,对深化与推进体育与健康课程教学改革具有重要意义.论述体育大单元"学、练、评"一致性的逻辑起点,针对体育与健康课程教学的四大弊端:"繁"(教材内容学习繁多)、"浅"(教学方式蜻蜓点水)、"散"(教学内容缺乏系统)、"脱"(教材内容之间脱节)等问题,运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,试图构建体育大单元"学、练、评"一致性的内容框架,并在此基础上提出体育大单元"学、练、评"一致性的实践路径:"学"大概念,"练"大任务,"嵌"大评价.以期使体育与健康课程教学形成逻辑清晰、系统连贯、纵向衔接、横向一致的大单元教学体系,有利于实现从关注教师的"教"转向关注学生的"学",促进新课标素养导向教学理念的落地,帮助学生实现课堂的深度学习,真正落实发展学生体育与健康学科的核心素养.

The 2022 Compulsory Stage Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards(2022 Edition)proposed the teaching concept of large units.How to achieve the transformation of the consistency of"learning,practicing,and evaluating"in physical education and health classrooms based on the practice of large unit teaching is a hot topic of discussion in the current reform of physical education and health curriculum teaching,which is of great significance for deepening and promoting the reform of physical education and health curriculum teaching.The article first discusses the logical starting point of the consistency of"learning,practicing,and evaluating"in the physical education unit,and then addresses the four major drawbacks of teaching physical education and health courses:"complexity"(extensive learning of textbook content),"shallowness"(teaching methods are superficial),"scattering"(lack of systematic teaching content),and"disconnection"(disconnection between textbook content).Using the methods of literature review and logical analysis,this paper attempts to construct a content framework for the consistency of"learning,training,and evaluation"in the sports unit,and based on this,proposes a practical path for the consistency of"learning,practicing,and evaluation"in the sports unit:firstly,the concept of"learning",secondly,the task of"training"and the third is the"embedded"evaluation.In order to form a large unit teaching system with clear logic,systematic coherence,vertical connection,and horizontal consistency in the teaching of physical education and health courses,it is beneficial to shift the focus from teacher's"teaching"to student's"learning",promote the implementation of the new curriculum quality oriented teaching concept,help students achieve deep learning in the classroom,and truly implement the development of students'core literacy in physical education and health subjects.


浙江省宁波市象山县实验小学南校区,浙江宁波 315700郑州大学体育学院,河南郑州 450040



physical education teachinglarge unit conceptconsistency of"learningpracticing and evaluation"curriculum optimization

《天津体育学院学报》 2024 (002)

146-153 / 8


