

Research on Mathematics Curriculum and Teaching from the Perspective of Discipline Integration


跨界与融合是教育发展的新趋势,《普通高中数学课程标准(2017 年版2020 年修订)》设置了"美术中的数学"选修课程,这是数学与美术两门学科跨界融合的体现.数学和美术融合下的数学学习,应基于数学学科特点,在学科交叠的范围内设计活动,关注知识结构的联结和迁移,促进学科知识的运用;借助真实情境为背景,削弱学科间的刚性边界,实现数学和美术间的相互统整,旨向培养学生的问题解决能力;在数学学科知识主导美术知识为辅下,形成教育合力,丰富学生的学习资源,拓展学生的学科视野,促进学生高阶思维能力的提升.基于此,研究聚焦"美术中的数学"课程理念与目标,分析课程内容的安排,进而对其进行教学思考:基于数学与美术的知识关联,设计真实情境;收集美术作品案例,系统设计评价任务;以增值评价为导向,关注作业设计;以学科融合育人为导向,培养学生的跨学科思维.

Cross-border and integration are new trends in educational development.The General High School Mathematics Curriculum Standards(2017 Edition,2020 Revision)provides the optional course"Mathematics in Fine Arts",which reflects the cross-border integration of mathematics and fine arts.Mathematics learning under the integration of mathematics and fine arts should be based on the characteristics of mathematics disciplines,design activities within the overlapping scope of the disciplines,pay attention to the connection and transfer of knowledge structures,and promote the application of subject knowledge;Using real situations as the background to weaken the rigid boundaries between disciplines,achieve the mutual integration between mathematics and art,and aim to cultivate students'problem-solving abilities;With mathematics subject knowledge as the leading part and the art knowledge as the supplemental part,an educational synergy is formed to enrich students'learning resources,expand their academic horizons,and promotes the improvement of their higher-order thinking abilities.Based on this,the research focuses on the concept and objectives of the"Mathematics in Fine Arts"course,analyzes the arrangement of the course content,and then thinks about its teaching:based on the connection between mathematics and fine arts knowledge to design real situations;Collecting cases of art works and systematically designing evaluation tasks;Focusing on homework design oriented by value-added evaluation;and Cultivating students'interdisciplinary thinking with the purpose of integrating disciplines and educating people.


江苏第二师范学院 数学科学学院,江苏 南京 211200南京师范大学 课程与教学研究所,江苏 南京 210097



discipline integration"Mathematics in Fine Arts"curriculum and teaching researchinterdisciplinary thinking

《数学教育学报》 2024 (002)

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