

Effect of sowing period and density on growth and development and yield of Gossypium hirsutum L.


[目的]研究不同播期与密度双因素对棉花生长的影响,分析不同播期下棉花高产的适宜种植密度.[方法]2022 年于新疆塔城地区沙湾市进行裂区试验,设置3 个播期主区(4 月11 日、18 日和25 日,记作B1、B2、B3),3 个密度副区(18×104、22.5×104 和27×104 株/hm2,记作M1、M2、M3),研究播期与密度双因素对棉花出苗率、生育进程、农艺性状、干物质积累及产量的影响.[结果]播后膜下5cm地温高有利于棉花早出苗,且出苗率提高.在同一播期下,随种植密度的增加,棉花生育期延长,株高、茎粗、果枝数及单株铃数的平均值均显著降低.在同一密度下,播期推迟,棉花的平均生育期缩短,平均单株及群体干物质积累量下降,单株铃数显著降低,平均籽棉产量降低.早播条件下,高密度(M3,27×104 株/hm2)籽棉产量最高,为7519.70 kg/hm2.中播或晚播条件下,中等密度(M2,22.5×104 株/hm2)产量较高,分别为7671.90 和6913.27 kg/hm2.[结论]在气候适宜的情况下应适期提早播种,播期为4 月11 日时适宜的种植密度为27×104 株/hm2(M3),播期为 4 月 18 日(B2)或4 月25 日(B3)时种植密度为22.5×104 株/hm2(M2)有利于棉花产量的提高.

[Objective]To study the effects of different combinations of sowing period and density on the growth of cotton and investigate the suitable planting density for high cotton yield under different sowing peri-ods.[Methods]The experiment was conducted in Shawan City,the Tacheng region of Xinjiang in 2022 by u-sing a split-zone experimental design with three main sowing zones,(April11,April18 and April25,remem-ber B1,B2,B3),and three density sub-zones(180,000,225,000 and 270,000 plants/hm2,renember M1,M2,M3),respectively,to study the effects of the two factors of sowing and density on seedling emergence,fertil-ity process,agronomic traits,dry matter accumulation and yield of cotton.Afterwards,the effects of sowing and density on seedling rate,fertility,agronomic traits,dry matter accumulation and yield were studied.[Results]The results showed that high ground temperature under the film 5 cm after sowing was beneficial to early emer-gence of cotton,and the emergence rate was increased.Under the same sowing period,with the increase of planting density,the fertility period of cotton was prolonged and the mean values of plant height,stem thick-ness,number of fruiting branches and number of boll per plant were significantly reduced.Under the same den-sity,the average fertility period of cotton was shortened with delayed sowing,the average dry matter accumula-tion per plant and population was decreased,the number of boll per plant was significantly lower,and the aver-age seed cotton yield was reduced.Under the early sowing condition,the highest seed cotton yield was 7,519.70 kg/hm2 at high density(M3,270,000 plants/hm2),and the higher yield was 7,671.90 and 6,913.27 kg/hm2 at medium or late sowing conditions at medium density(M2,225,000 plants/hm2),respectively.[Conclusion]On balance,under suitable weather conditions,the appropriate planting density is 270,000 plants/hm2(M3)when the sowing date is April 11,and 225,000 plants/hm2(M2)when the sowing date is A-pril 18(B2)or April 25(B3),which is conducive to the improvement of cotton yield.


新疆农业大学农学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所/国家棉花工程技术研究中心,乌鲁木齐 830091沙湾市双泉农业合作社,新疆沙湾 834709



cottonsowing dateplanting densityyield

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (003)

547-555 / 9

国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFD2301205-03;2020YFD1001001) National Key R&D Program Projects(2023YFD2301205-03;2020YFD1001001)

