

Extraction and accuracy evaluation of cotton canopy temperature under drip irrigation based on uav thermal infrared remote sensing


[目的]提高基于热红外遥感图像滴灌棉花冠层温度提取精度,为棉花水分状况精准监测提供技术支撑.[方法]以不同水分处理的苗期、蕾期棉花为研究对象,利用无人机获取试验小区热红外遥感图像,使用便携式手持测温仪测量田间辐射校正板及水桶中的水温,对热红外影像进行温度校正.采用Otsu算法、Can-ny边缘检测算法对热红外遥感图像进行掩膜处理剔除土壤背景,通过波段运算提取棉花冠层温度,绘制棉花冠层温度频率直方图并对其进行优化.利用便携式手持测温仪同步测量棉花冠层温度,与提取的冠层温度进行一致性分析,验证热红外遥感图像提取棉花冠层温度的精度.[结果]Canny边缘检测算法剔除土壤背景提取冠层图像准确率大于Otsu算法(91.90%>82.52%、92.76%>80.60%),剔除土壤背景效果最优.Otsu算法和Canny边缘检测算法剔除土壤背景后构建的冠层温度直方图均呈偏态分布,但Canny边缘检测算法剔除土壤背景后构建的冠层温度直方图形状比Otsu算法光滑,噪声少,并且Canny边缘检测算法2 年冠层平均温度最低(29.95、30.54℃),与实测温度差值最小(2.78、3.43℃).去除Canny边缘检测算法的温度直方图两端1%温度信息后,提取的冠层温度与实测温度相关性最高(2 年试验 r由 0.88、0.93 提高到了 0.94、0.95),RMSE最低(2 年RMSE由2.78、2.87℃下降到 1.59、1.43℃).[结论]Canny边缘检测算法提高了无人机热红外遥感图像棉花冠层温度提取精度,且温度直方图两端 1%温度优化后有助于提高棉花冠层温度提取精度.

[Objective]To increase the accuracy of canopy temperature extraction derived from thermal infrared imagery of drip irrigated cotton in Xinjiangin the hope of providing a technical support for precise water status monitoring.[Methods]Different soil moisture contents were set at cotton seedling and squaring sta-ges.The thermal infrared images of different treatments were acquired by using UAV,and the temperature of ra-diation calibration plate in plot and water in the bucket were measured by using a portable handheld thermome-ter.For the above information,the latter temperature was used to calibrate the former temperature extracted from thermal imagery.The Otsu and Canny edge detection algorithms were used to mask thermal infrared ima-ges and remove soil background.Cotton canopy temperature was extracted by region of interest(ROI)and band math,and then the canopy temperature frequency histograms were plotted and optimized.Meanwhile,the actual cotton canopy temperature was obtained from a portable handheld thermometer.The consistency analysis was performed between actual canopy temperature and extracted canopy temperature to calibrate the accuracy of ex-tracted temperature from thermal imagery.[Results]Canny edge detection algorithm eliminated soil back-ground and extracted canopy image with higher accuracy than Otsu algorithm(91.90%>82.52%、92.76%>80.60%),which reached the best effect.The canopy temperature histograms constructed by Otsu algorithm and Canny edge detection algorithm after removing soil background are skewed,but the canopy temperature histo-grams constructed by Canny edge detection algorithm after removing soil background were smoother and less noisy than Otsu algorithm,and the average canopy temperature of Canny edge detection algorithm in two years was the lowest(29.95,30.54℃),with the smallest difference from the measured temperature(2.78,3.43℃).Correlation analysis showed that the extracted canopy temperature based on Canny edge detection algorithm had the highest correlation with the measured temperature(r = 0.94,0.95)and the lowest RMSE(1.59,1.43℃),where the 1%temperature information at both ends of the temperature histogram of Canny edge de-tection algorithm was dislogded.[Conclusion]The Canny edge detection algorithm improves the precision of cotton canopy temperature extraction from UAV thermal infrared images,and the optimization of 1%tempera-ture at both ends of the temperature histogram is helpful to improve the precision of cotton canopy temperature extraction.


石河子大学农学院/新疆兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室,新疆石河子 832003石河子大学农学院/新疆兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室,新疆石河子 832003||现代农业生产信息化管理与应用技术国家地方联合工程研究中心(新疆兵团),新疆石河子 832003南京农业大学农学院,南京 210095



drip-irrigated cottonunmanned aerial vehiclethermal infrared imagecanopy tempera-tureaccuracy

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (003)

565-575 / 11

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