

Growth,yield and quality of muskmelon in fertilization control facilities


[目的]研究海南省设施栽培条件下长效肥对甜瓜生长发育及产量品质的影响.[方法]以甜瓜品种纳斯密为供试材料,设置不施肥(CK)、长效肥(K1)、长效肥(K2)、长效肥(K3)、常规施肥(CF)共 5 个处理.在设施栽培条件下施用长效肥普乐特(17-17-17)≥51%,在甜瓜伸蔓期、花果期、成熟期调查作物的农艺生长指标,成熟期测定甜瓜产量和品质指标,并测定土壤养分和植株各器官的氮、磷、钾含量.[结果]5 个施肥处理中,CF处理的产量与裂果率均高于其它处理,CF和长效肥K1 处理品质高于其它处理.长效肥各处理甜瓜植株氮、磷、钾积累量低于CF处理.[结论]综合产量、裂果率及品质特征,长效肥(K1)可保证设施甜瓜正常生长并达到较高的商品产量和品质.

[Objective]To simplify fertilization and study the effect of long-acting fertilizer on the growth,yield and quality of muskmelon under the conditions of protected cultivation in Hainan.[Methods]With the melon"Nasmi"as the test material,the experiment set up 5 treatments including no fertilization(CK),long-term fertilizer(K1),long-term fertilizer(K2),long-term fertilizer(K3)and conventional fertil-izer(CF).Under the condition of protected cultivation,the long-acting fertilizer of Prolete(17-17-17)≥51%was applied to investigate the agronomic growth index of crops at the melon extension stage,flowering and fruit stage and mature stage,and then to measure the yield and quality of melon at the mature stage,and meas-ure the soil nutrients and the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium content of each organ of the plant.[Results]Among the five fertilization treatments,the yield and fruit cracking rate of CF treatment were higher than those of other treatments,and the quality of CF and K1 treatment was higher than those of other treatments.The accu-mulation of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in muskmelon plants under different treatments of long-acting fertilizer was lower than those under CF treatment.[Conclusion]According to the yield,fruit cracking rate and quality characteristics,the treatment of long-acting fertilizer(K1)can ensure the normal growth of musk-melon in the facility to achieve higher commercial yield and quality.


新疆农业科学院海南三亚农作物育种试验中心,海南三亚 572014新疆农业科学院哈密瓜研究中心,乌鲁木齐 830091海南省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,海南海口 571100



melonlong-term fertilizernutrientyieldquality

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (003)

599-606 / 8

海南省院士创新科研专项(YSPTZX202116)项目;海南省院士创新平台;新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(2023D01B38);新疆农业科学院青年科技骨干项目(xjnkq-2019021);新疆农业科学院自主培育专项(xjnkyzzp2022006);海南省自然科学基金面上项目(319MS109);海南省自然科学基金青年基金(321QN382);新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金项目(2021D01B59) Hainan Academician Innovation and Scientific Research Project"Hainan Academician Innovation Platform"(YSPTZX202116);Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Platform Capacity Improvement Projet of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Natural Science Foundation(2023D01B38);Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Youth Science and Technology Backbone Projeet(xjnkq-2019021);Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences(xjnkyzp2022006);Agricultural Science and Technology Innova-tion Platform Capacity Improvement Project of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences(xjnkyzzp2022006);General Project of Hainan Natural Science Foundation(319MS109);Project of Hainang Natural Science Foundation(321QN382);Project of Xinjiang Natural Science Foundation(2021D01B59)

