

Relationship between Jiaodong Gold Deposit and Mesozoic Regional Granite Metallogenic Predication and Prospecting Direction


胶东地区是世界著名的金矿资源基地,截至2023年6月已累计探明金矿资源量已达5757余吨.与金矿成矿密切的中生代花岗岩分布广泛,岩石类型多样,也是山东省最发育、最典型的地区.本文对胶东地区金矿与中生代区域性花岗岩空间展布、形成时代和形成环境等关系进行了分析研究.区域性广泛分布的中生代花岗岩为晚侏罗世玲珑期(166~146Ma)、早白垩世早期郭家岭期(135~123Ma)、早白垩世晚期伟德山期(123~110Ma)和崂山期(118~108Ma),研究认为区域性岩浆事件一般持续10Ma左右,而重熔型花岗岩一般持续20Ma,反映了由基底岩石熔融到侵入结晶的2个阶段,它有一个由基底固体岩石熔融的过程,大致也需要10Ma,既固体岩石熔融10Ma,熔浆活动上侵结晶10Ma.玲珑期重熔型花岗岩是扬子板块和华北板块碰撞的期后产物,郭家岭期岩浆事件代表了中国东部中生代构造体制转换的开始,伟德山期岩浆事件代表了构造体制转换的高峰期,崂山期岩浆事件代表了构造体制转换的结束期.86.8%的金矿赋存在玲珑期花岗岩中,6.9%的金矿赋存于郭家岭期花岗岩中,玲珑期花岗岩和郭家岭期花岗岩Au元素背景值明显高于伟德山期花岗岩和崂山期花岗岩.矿石硫与玲珑期花岗岩、郭家岭期花岗岩范围相近,特别是与玲珑期花岗岩大范围重叠,具有岩浆热液硫同位素变化小的特点,说明矿石硫主要源为玲珑期花岗岩、郭家岭期花岗岩.矿石铅主要为再活化的下地壳铅,即前寒武纪结晶基底铅,有幔源铅加入.金矿成矿年龄有162~146Ma、133~120Ma、120~115Ma、112~105Ma共4个区间范围,与胶东地区四期区域性花岗岩形成时间对应,成矿年龄一般晚于成岩年龄3~5Ma.根据胶东金矿及多金属矿与岩浆热液事件对应关系,划分为玲珑金成矿期、郭家岭金成矿期、伟德山金及多金属成矿期和崂山多金属成矿期. 胶东地区金矿主要是新太古代变质地层和古元古代底部片岩层位经过重熔作用金元素活化、迁移、富集和郭家岭期岩浆作用成矿.基于以上成矿作用认识,根据地球化学块体理论,对胶东金矿潜力进行了估算,胶东地区3000m以浅金矿潜力约为1.8万t,同时对胶西北深部金矿进行了系统预测,预测3000m以浅金资源量3997t,5000m 以浅 7497t. 通过地质综合研究,栖霞地区中-新太古代变质岩下部有隐伏玲珑期花岗岩,根据金矿主要赋存在玲珑期花岗岩中的空间展布,S、Pb等同位素以及玲珑期花岗岩是金矿成矿直接围岩或母岩的认识,该地区变质岩中发育众多的石英脉型中小型金矿和矿(化)点,可能是浅部或顶部矿体的表现,认为该地区具有良好的成矿背景和潜力,是胶东地区今后金矿找矿的重要地区和方向.并建议在该地区部署地震和大功率激电剖面及地质科研钻探,查清一系列NE向断裂和地质结构,为金矿找矿提供科学依据.

Jiaodong area is a world-renowned gold resource base.By the end of June 2023,a cumulative proven gold resource is over 5757t.The Mesozoic granites which are closely related to gold mineralization are widely distributed and have diverse rock types.It is the most developed and typical area in Shandong province.The relationship between gold deposits in Jiaodong area and the spatial distribution,formation era,and formation environment of regional granite in Mesozoic era has been analyzed and studied.The widely distributed Mesozoic granites in this area are classified as late Jurassic Linglong period(166~146Ma),early Cretaceous Guojialing period(135~123Ma),late early Cretaceous Weideshan period(123~110 Ma),and Laoshan period(118~108 Ma).It is regarded that regional magmatic events generally last for about 10Ma,while remelting granites generally last for 20Ma.It reflects two stages from the melt-ing of the basement rock to the intrusion crystallization.It has a process of melting from the basement sol-id rock,which also requires approximately 10Ma.The melting of the solid rock is about 10Ma and the in-trusion crystallization of the magma activity is about 10Ma.The Linglong period remelting granite is a post collision product of the Yangtze and North China plates.Guojialing period magmatic event represents the beginning of the Mesozoic tectonic system transformation in eastern China,Weideshan period magmat-ic event represents the peak period of tectonic system transformation,and Laoshan period magmatic event represents the end period of tectonic system transformation.86.8%of gold deposits are hosted in the granites of Linglong period,and 6.9%of gold deposits are hosted in the granites of Guojialing period.The background of Au element in the granites of Linglong period and Guojialing period is significantly higher than that in Weideshan period and Laoshan period.The range of ore sulfur is similar to granites in Lin-glong period and Guojialing period,especially with a large overlap with granites in Linglong period.It has the characteristics of small changes in sulfur isotopes in magmatic hydrothermal fluids.It is indicated that main source of ore sulfur is granites in Linglong period and Guojialing period.The ore lead mainly consists of reactivated lower crustal lead,namely pre-Cambrian crystalline basement lead,with mantle derived lead added.The mineralization age of gold deposits ranges from 162~146Ma,133~120Ma,120~115Ma and 112~105Ma,corresponding to the formation time of four regional granites in Jiaodong area.The min-eralization age is generally later than the diagenetic age of 3~5Ma.According to the correspondence be-tween Jiaodong gold deposits and polymetallic deposits and magmatic hydrothermal events,it can be divid-ed into Linglong gold mineralization period,Guojialing gold mineralization period,Weideshan gold and polymetallic mineralization period,and Laoshan polymetallic mineralization period. The gold deposits in Jiaodong area are mainly formed by the activation,migration,and enrichment of gold elements through remelting in metamorphic strata of Neoarchean and the bottom schist layers of Pal-eoproterozoic,as well as magmatic activity during Guojialing period.Based on the understanding of ore-forming processes mentioned above and based on the theory of geochemical blocks,the potential of Jia-odong gold deposits has been estimated.The potential of shallow gold deposits in Jiaodong area is about 18000t,and a systematic predication has been made for deep gold deposits in the northwest of Jiaodong ar-ea.It is predicated that shallow gold resources in the 3000m area will be 3997t,and the shallow gold re-sources in the 5000m area will be 7497t. Through comprehensive geological research,it has been found that there are hidden granites in Lin-glong period in the lower part of Neoarchean metamorphic rocks in Qixia area.Based on spatial distribu-tion of gold deposits mainly occurring in the granites in Linglong period,isotopes as S and Pb,and gran-ites in Linglong period are the recognition of direct surrounding rocks or parent rocks for gold mineraliza-tion.There are numerous quartz vein type small and medium sized gold deposits and mineralization points developed in the metamorphic rocks in the area,which may be manifestations of shallow or top ore bodies.It is believed that this area has a good mineralization background and potential.It is an important area for future gold exploration in Jiaodong area.It is recommended to deploy seismic and high-power induced po-larization profiles and geological research drilling to identify a series of faults with the trend of NE and geo-logical structures,providie a scientific basis for gold exploration.


山东省地质调查院,山东 济南 250014山东省地质矿产勘查开发局第六地质大队(山东省第六地质矿产勘查院),山东 威海 264209



Gold depositsMesozoic granitesmetallogenic predicationprospecting directionJiaodong ar-ea

《山东国土资源》 2024 (003)

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