首页|期刊导航|压力容器|承压设备用5 mm超薄X7Ni9钢板叠轧工艺

承压设备用5 mm超薄X7Ni9钢板叠轧工艺OACSTPCD

Stacked rolling process of 5 mm ultra-thin X7Ni9 steel plate for pressure equipment


介绍了采用叠轧工艺生产的5mm超薄X7Ni9钢板的技术要求、工序工艺控制点及实物质量,通过合理控制坯料成分、坯料复合、轧制及热处理工艺,采用叠轧工艺成功生产出5mm超薄X7Ni9钢板,叠轧钢板厚度及不平度均能满足EN 10029:2010厚度大于等于3mm的热轧钢板的尺寸、外形及允许偏差标准要求,钢板性能良好,拉伸性能据标准值有较大的富余量,显微组织中存在的逆转奥氏体可确保钢板具有良好的低温冲击性能.

The technical requirements,process control points,and physical quality of the 5mm ultra-thin X7Ni9 steel plate produced by Wugang using the stacked rolling process were introduced.By reasonably controlling the composition of the billet,billet compositing,rolling,and heat treatment process,Wugang Company successfully produced 5mm ultra-thin X7Ni9 steel plates using the stacked rolling process.Both the thickness and unevenness of the stacked rolled steel plate can meet the requirements of EN 10029:2010"hot-rolled steel plate 3 mm thick or above-Tolerances on dimensions and shape".The steel plate has good performance,and there is a large margin of tensile performance from the standard value.The presence of reverse austenite in the microstructure ensures good low-temperature impact performance of the plate.


舞阳钢铁有限责任公司,河南平顶山 462500湖南华菱湘潭钢铁有限公司,湖南湘潭 411100



X7Ni9 steel platestacked rollingheat treatmentunevennessreverse austenite

《压力容器》 2024 (002)

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