

Path of a Chinese Style Agricultural Power that Leads the World's New Round of Agricultural Revolution and Solidifies the Food Security System



Agricultural strength is the cornerstone of industrial strength,national strength,and social stability.Only when agriculture is strong and food security is guaranteed,the overall economic situation can be stabilized,and the country has the confidence to adapt and open up new opportunities.It is not uncommon to see political crises triggered by the food crisis in the world today,revealing that the level of agricultural technology and the production and supply capacity of agricultural products occupy a fundamental and core position in national security.In the context of the third agricultural revolution that has just begun in the world today,the authors proposed that promoting technological innovation is the key to overcoming the food crisis,through technological innovation,we can promote the modernization of agriculture in China,accelerate the promotion of ecological smart agriculture,and create a distinctive ecological agricultural model through interdisciplinary integration.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has deployed the task of"accelerating the construction of an agricultural power",and China should follow the path of ecological smart agriculture development with the value of"lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets".The authors analyzed the root causes of the world food crisis,evaluated the measures to ensure stable and increased grain production in China in the new era,explained the important position of technological innovation in ensuring national food security,and outlined the characteristic development path of integrating ecology and intelligence in China's future agriculture.


绥化学院食品与制药工程学院 黑龙江 绥化 152061绥化学院农业与水利工程学院 黑龙江 绥化 152061


agricultural revitalizationagricultural powerfood securityecological agriculturesmart agriculture

《农业展望》 2024 (003)

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