

Impact of the Northward Shift of Cultivated Land Layout on Grain Production Capacity


耕地是粮食生产的命根子,是中华民族永续发展的根基.近年来,各地认真贯彻"藏粮于地、藏粮于技"战略,狠抓耕地要害,粮食单产水平稳步提高,种植结构不断优化,粮食总产量持续稳定在6 500亿kg以上.但同时全国耕地面积总体呈下降趋势,特别是耕地布局持续北移,造成一定程度的粮食产能损失.本研究运用基尼系数和泰尔指数分析方法,选取2000-2020年31个省(自治区、直辖市)粮食产量指标,分析产区间差异变化,并对耕地数量、布局、占补平衡等影响因素对粮食产能的损失进行测算.与2009年相比,2019年受耕地数量、布局北移、占补平衡等影响,粮食产能合计损失约1 500亿kg.其中,耕地数量减少造成损失约565亿kg;耕地布局北移造成损失约905亿kg,占补平衡造成损失约34亿kg.此外,水田减少影响粮食产能损失约225亿kg.确保国家粮食安全,必须坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示批示和有关重要论述精神,采取"长牙齿"的硬措施,守牢耕地红线,切实加强耕地质量保护与建设,谋划实施一揽子耕地质量建设工程,多措并举,提升耕地综合生产能力.

Cultivated land is the lifeblood of grain production and the foundation for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.In recent years,all localities have earnestly implemented the strategy of sustainable farmland use and innovative application of agricultural technology to increase farmland productivity,and paid close attention to the key points of cultivated land.The level of grain yield per unit area has been steadily improved,the planting structure has been continuously optimized,and the total grain output has remained stable at more than 650 million tons.But at the same time,the total area of cultivated land shows a downward trend in China,especially the distribution of cultivated land continued to move to the north,resulting in a certain degree of grain productivity loss.Using the Gini coefficient and Theil index analysis method,this paper selected the grain production indicators of 31 provinces(cities,autonomous regions)from 2000 to 2020,analyzed the variation of differences between production regions,and calculated the loss of grain production capacity caused by the number of cultivated land,layout,the balance of occupation and compensation and other influencing factors.Compared with 2009,the total loss of grain production capacity in 2019 was about 150 million tons due to the impact of the number of cultivated land,the northward shift of distribution,the balance of occupation and compensation,etc.Among them,the loss caused by the reduction of cultivated land was about 56.5 million tons;the loss caused by the northward shift of cultivated land distribution is about 90.5 million tons,and the loss caused by the balance of occupation and compensation is about 3.4 million tons.In addition,the reduction of paddy fields affected the loss of grain production capacity by about 22.5 million tons.To ensure national food security,it is necessary to resolutely implement the spirit of Xi Jinping important instructions and relevant important discussions.We must take effective hard measures to keep to baseline value of 120 million hectares of cultivated land,effectively strengthen the protection and construction of quality of cultivated land,plan and implement a package of cultivated land construction projects,take multiple measures simultaneously,and improve the comprehensive production capacity of cultivated land.


农业农村部规划设计研究院 北京 100125中国农业科学院 北京 100081


cultivated landnorthward shift of layoutgrain production capacitycapacity lossimpact analysis

《农业展望》 2024 (003)

60-65 / 6

