

Design and application of automatic unpacking and shaping system for robot vertical carton


针对烟草生产线预压打包段前采用人工完成纸箱开箱套箱成型,存在人工成本高、生产效率及自动化程度低等问题,论文设计了一套以机器人为核心多设备协同作业的立式纸箱自动开箱套箱成型系统.该系统主要由机器人抓取系统、内外箱上料装置及内箱盖折叠装置等组成,利用机器人臂在作业空间多自由度运动控制特点,设计出一套适应纸箱成型的工艺动作流程,满足了企业对生产线高度自动化的需求.以复烤片烟包装用瓦楞纸箱为对象进行测试,应用效果表明:该系统能够完全替代人工实现纸箱的自动开箱套箱成型,其额定生产能力可达 63 箱/h,内外箱套箱成功率可达 99%以上,作业人员由 5 人减至 1 人,显著提高了生产自动化程度及效率.

Aiming at the problems of high labor cost,low efficiency and automation in the process of unpacking and shaping by hand before pre-pressing and packing section of tobacco production line in China,a vertical system of automatic unpacking and shaping collaboration between multi equipment based on robot was designed.The system was mainly composed of a robotic grasping system,a feeding device of inner and outer box,a folding device of inner box cover etc.The characteristics of multi degree of freedom motion control of the robot arm in the task space was used to plan a set of technological process suitable for carton shaping,which met the needs of enterprises for high automatic production line.The corrugated carton package of redried strips were tested,the results showed that the system replaced completely the manual to realize unpacking and shaping automatically.The rated production capacity of the system reached 63 boxes/h,the success rate of carton shaping was over 99%,and the number of operators was reduced from 5 to 1 to manage the daily system maintenance.The automation and efficiency of tobacco production line were improved significantly.


云南昆船烟草设备有限公司,昆明市盘龙区人民中路 6 号 650051


industrial robotcorrugated cartonvertical unpackingnesting shapegrasping systemstacking and feeding

《中国烟草学报》 2024 (002)

20-26 / 7


