

Design and application of cooling and cleaning device for MAX Secondary slitting circular knife in ZJ118 cigarette making machine group


为解决ZJ118卷接机组MAX二次分切圆刀在切割双倍长滤嘴烟支过程中,因圆刀上的胶垢堆积和缺口增多,导致出现烟支滤嘴毛切口问题,设计了一种圆刀降温清洁装置.该装置通过往涂油槽内的毛毡材料中滴入润滑油以降低圆刀温度,同时形成一层细密薄的油膜,防止胶垢堆积;装置左侧壁上的负压吸除和圆刀面上方的喷吹管配合,对圆刀表面的胶垢及滤嘴棒碎屑进行回收,从而保证圆刀刀刃光滑无缺口.以旬阳卷烟厂使用的ZJ118卷烟机组为对象进行测试,结果表明:(1)圆刀温度从 50℃以上降到 45℃以下;(2)圆刀无积垢,二次分切轮刀缝无积沫,圆刀无缺口;(3)滤嘴毛切口烟支出现次数从 3 次/月降至 0 次/月.表明设计装置较好地解决了上述问题,提高了工艺质量.

To solve the problem of rough cut edges on the cigarette filters during the cutting process of double-length filter cigarettes by the MAX secondary slitting circular knife in the ZJ118 cigarette making machine group,due to the accumulation of glue scale and increase in notches on the circular knife,a circular knife cooling and cleaning device was designed.This device reduces the temperature of the circular knife by dripping lubricating oil into the felt material in the oiling trough.At the same time,it forms a fine and thin oil film to prevent the accumulation of glue scale.The negative pressure suction on the left wall of the device and the spraying pipe above the surface of the circular knife work together to recover the glue scale and debris from the filter rods on the surface of the circular knife,thus ensuring the blade of the circular knife is smooth and notch-free.Testing with the ZJ118 cigarette making machine group used in Xunyang Cigarette Factory showed that:(1)the temperature of the circular knife was reduced from above 50℃to below 45℃;(2)there was no accumulation of scale on the circular knife,no foam in the secondary slitting wheel knife gap,and no notches on the circular knife;(3)the occurrence of rough cut edges on the filter cigarettes decreased from 3 times/month to 0 times/month.This indicates that the designed device effectively solves the aforementioned problems and improves the process quality.


陕西中烟工业有限责任公司旬阳卷烟厂卷包车间,陕西省安康市旬阳市城关镇草坪村 725700


ZJ118 cigarette making machineMAX secondary slitting circular knifecooling and cleaning device,rough cut edges on filtes

《中国烟草学报》 2024 (002)

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