

Challenges,Developments,and Suggestions for Drilling Fluid Technology in China



The technical problems of drilling fluid in ultra-deep,unconventional oil/gas,deep water,hot dry rock,polar,natural gas hydrate and other complex formations are systematically sorted out.The key scientific problems and core engineering problems are discussed.Combined with the research progress of drilling fluid technology in recent years,the development of drilling fluid technology for ultra-deep,unconventional oil/gas,deep water,hot dry rock,polar,natural gas hydrate and other complex oil and gas is provided.The problems in the drilling of complex formations,such as hightemperature,high-pressure and high-salinity,serious shale hydration,wellbore instability,large temperature difference,loss circulation,formation damage,and low degree of automation of drilling fluid maintenance,domestic and foreign researchers have developed key material,systems and equipments such as high-temperature and high-salinity water-based/oil-based drilling fluid,constant rheological drilling fluid,anti-ultra-high temperature foam drilling fluid,environmentally friendly ultra-lowtemperature drilling fluid,intelligent temperature and pressure response plugging material,degradable reservoirprotection material,drilling fluid online monitoring and automatic feeding system.However,with the increasingly complex formationconditions of drilling,there are still deficiencies in drilling fluid materials in terms of ultra-high temperature resistance,ultra-long-term stability,clay swelling inhibition,and environmental protection performance.Severe/total loss circulation,reservoirprotection,and drilling fluid automation control still face severe challenges.In order to meet the performance requirements of drillingfluid in the process of drilling in complex formations,it is necessary to further study the working/failure mechanism of drilling fluidadditives under complex formation conditions,the structure-activity relationship changes and action mechanism of drilling fluidadditives at different scales such as micro-meso-macro scales,establish a safe and efficient multi-functional integrated controlmethod of drilling fluid,construct intelligent drilling fluid theory and technology,and provide technical support for the development of complex underground resources.


中国石油集团工程技术研究院有限公司,北京 102206||中国石油国家卓越工程师学院,北京 102208||油气钻完井技术国家工程研究中心,北京 102206中国石油集团工程技术研究院有限公司,北京 102206||油气钻完井技术国家工程研究中心,北京 102206



Drilling fluidUltra-deepUnconventional underground resourcesLoss prevention and pluggingFormation protectionPerformace regulation of drilling fluid

《钻井液与完井液》 2024 (001)

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