

Ultra-High Temperature Drilling Fluid Technology for Second Sidetracking of the Well Shunbei-16X


顺北 16X井是西北油田分公司部署在顺北 16号断裂带的一口四开制斜井探井,完钻层位为奥陶系鹰山组,地质预测顺北 16X井井底温度为 168.9℃/6680 m.该井钻至设计井深 6777 m后加深钻进,加深钻进使用ENVIROTHERM NT高性能水基钻井液,卡钻回填后采用油基钻井液进行第一次侧钻,测试未见产,再次回填采用抗高温钻井液体系.第二次侧钻实钻完钻井深 7533 m(斜)/7417 m(垂),实测井底温度达 209℃,钻井液密度最高为 1.75 g/cm3,属极高温超高压地层.通过采用抗超高温钻井液体系,保障了超高温下钻井液优良的流变性和沉降稳定性,同时抗CO2、盐水污染能力优良.该井第二次侧钻顺利完钻,钻井液性能稳定,井下正常.

The well Shunbei-16X is a well drilled in the#16 fault zone in Shunbei area by Sinopec Northwest Petroleum Bureau.This is a four-interval deviated exploration well drilled to the Yingshan formation of the Ordovician system.The temperature at 6,680 m was predicted to be 168.9℃.After drilling to the designed depth of 6,777 m,decision was made to deepen the well with a high performance drilling fluid ENVIROTHERM NT.The drill pipe got stuck and the well was plugged,then sidetracked with an oil-based drilling fluid.Well test showed no industrial oil production.The well was then re-plugged and sidetracked again with a high temperature drilling fluid.The second sidetracking of the well was done to 7,533 m MD/7,417 m TVD,the bottom hole temperature measured was 209℃,and the maximum mud density was 1.75 g/cm3,indicating that the formation at the total depth of the well is an extremely high temperature ultra-high pressure formation.The high performance drilling fluid used to drill the sidetracked section of the well had excellent rheology and settling stability at extremely high formation temperatures as well as excellent resistance to CO2 and formation water contamination.The second sidetracking was successful,and no downhole troubles were ever encountered.


中原石油工程塔里木分公司,新疆库尔勒 841000中石化西北油田分公司,乌鲁木齐 830000中原石油工程有限公司钻井工程技术研究院,河南濮阳 457001



Ultra-high temperatureCO2 contaminationSaltwater contaminationSettling stability

《钻井液与完井液》 2024 (001)

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