

Types analysis and coping suggestion of medical disputes arising from medical remarks


医生语言表达水平会直接影响信息传递和沟通效果.近 20 年来,有大量研究以量表的形式对医护人员和患者进行"医患沟通"相关问卷调查,但关于医患沟通实际应用和医患纠纷实例分析的研究较少.以某三甲医院《投诉登记本》为研究素材,总结出因医方语言产生的医疗纠纷的五种原因,分别为医方语气生硬、肢体语言失当;治疗方案沟通不明确;无法回答患者的问题;不同医生说辞相悖;病情预判与病情发展差距大.通过分析此类纠纷的处理要点,以期运用在今后的医学生医患沟通课程或医生语言技巧培训中,优化医患沟通,推动医患关系向好发展.

The language expression level of doctors directly affects the effectiveness of information transmission and communication.In the past 20 years,a large number of studies have conducted questionnaire surveys related to"doctor-patient communication"among medical staff and patients in the form of scales,but there were few studies on the practical application of doctor-patient communication and case analysis of doctor-patient disputes.Using the Complaint Register Book of a tertiary A hospital as research material,this paper summarized five causes of medical disputes caused by medical remarks,namely,stiff tone and improper body language of the medical staff,unclear communication of treatment plans,unable to answer patients'questions,different doctors'statements are contrary each other,and a large gap between disease prediction and disease development.This paper aimed to analyze the handling points of such disputes,with a view to applying them in doctor-patient communication courses for medical students or language skills training for doctors in the future,optimizing doctor-patient communication,and promoting the development of doctor-patient relationships.


福建医科大学附属协和医院医务部,福建 福州 350001||福建医科大学医学人文研究中心,福建 福州 350122福建医科大学医学人文研究中心,福建 福州 350122||福建医科大学卫生管理学院,福建 福州 350122福建医科大学医学人文研究中心,福建 福州 350122||福建医科大学马克思主义学院,福建 福州 350122


medical disputedoctor-patient communicationremarkcommunication skill

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (003)

278-282 / 5


