

Research on constructing harmonious doctor-patient relationships from the legal perspective:based on the analysis of jurisprudence on medical damage cases in obstetrics


分析了中国裁判文书网 2020 年 1 月—2022 年 6 月期间 20 例产科医疗损害案件中医方存在的法律问题,希望在法律背景下探索医方为构建和谐医患关系可借鉴的路径.第一,医疗机构应建立危重症孕、产妇抢救评审制度和预警机制,确保孕产妇和新生儿生命健康安全,防范产科不良事件的发生.第二,加强产科医疗执业人员人文素质培养是和谐产科医患关系的基础.第三,加强《中华人民共和国民法典》《中华人民共和国医师法》等相关法律和法规的培训和学习.第四,尊重患者的知情权,用制度规范知情同意履行的环节和程序,更进一步探索知情同意履行形式.第五,探索医疗风险分担机制,建议产妇购买产科意外保险合理分担医疗风险.第六,引入医务社工,加强医患沟通,提升全社会产科风险意识.

This paper analyzed the legal issues existing on the medical side in 20 medical damage cases in obstetrics from January 2020 to June 2022 in China Judgment Documents Network,and hoped to explore the paths that the medical side can use for reference in building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship in the legal context.Firstly,medical institutions should establish rescue evaluation systems and early warning mechanisms for critical pregnancy and maternal,so as to ensure the health and safety of life of pregnant women and newborns,as well as prevent the occurrence of adverse obstetric events.Secondly,strengthening the cultivation of the humanistic quality among obstetric medical practitioners is the basis of the harmonious obstetrical doctor-patient relationship.Thirdly,the training and learning of relevant laws and regulations such as the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and the Physician Law of the People's Republic of China should be strengthened.Fourthly,the patients'informed consent should be respected,the process and procedures of fulfilling informed consent should be standardized by the systems,and the forms for fulfilling informed consent should be further explored.Fifthly,the medical risk-sharing mechanism should be explored and this paper suggested that postpartum women purchase obstetric accident insurance to reasonably share medical risks.Sixthly,medical social workers should be introduced,doctor-patient communication should be strengthened,and the obstetric risk awareness of the whole society should be enhanced.


首都医科大学附属北京积水潭医院医患关系协调办公室,北京 100035北京市华卫律师事务所,北京 100034||中国医院协会医疗法制专业委员会,北京 100034


legal perspectivedoctor-patient relationshipobstetricsmedical damage

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (003)

283-290 / 8

