

Concept analysis of good death with Chinese cultural characteristics from the perspective of palliative care


聚焦安宁疗护领域,采用 Rodgers演化概念分析法对中华文化背景下优逝相关文献进行分析,阐述优逝概念的发展史和应用、定义与特征、影响因素及其带来的影响、测量指标和工具,并进行进一步讨论.优逝是指在个人足够长寿的前提下,个体无主观痛苦体验、无牵挂、平静地走向死亡,同时在死亡过程中得到了家人尤其是子女和孙辈的照料和陪伴,实现道德的圆满和超越.中华传统文化背景下优逝的特征包括非直接表达的身心痛苦被"读懂"和妥善处理、基于德性而非自主性的临终尊严建构、对孝道和家庭情感性连结的重视、进行后事安排并实现代际传承、注重离世时刻生命的完整性实现,具有鲜明的中华传统文化特色,未来需进一步剖析优逝概念的内涵和外延,助力本土化优逝理论和实践体系的发展.

Focusing on the field of palliative care,the Rodgers evolutionary concept analysis method was used to analyze the literature related to good death in the context of Chinese culture.The development history and application,definition and characteristics,influencing factors and their impacts,measuring indicators and tools of the concept of good death were elaborated,and further discussions were conducted.Good death refers to an individual's peaceful and painless journey towards death,without subjective pain or concern,and calmness under the premise of sufficient longevity,while receiving care and companionship during the process of death from family,especially children and grandchildren,as well as achieving moral fulfilment and transcendence.The characteristics of good death in the context of Chinese traditional culture include the indirect expression of physical and mental pain being"understood"and properly handled,the construction of dying dignity based on virtue rather than autonomy,the emphasis on filial piety and emotional connections in the family,making after-death arrangements and realizing intergenerational inheritance,as well as the emphasis on achieving the integrity of life at the moment of death,which have distinct Chinese cultural characteristics.In the future,the connotation and extension of the concept of good death should be further explored,so as to assist in the development of localized theory and practice systems of good death.


首都医科大学护理学院,北京 100069


Chinese traditional culturepalliative caregood deathdying dignity

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (003)

324-331 / 8


