

Effect of multi-site education model of medical and nursing cooperation on contraceptive efficacy and satisfaction of high-risk induced abortion patients


目的:探讨医护合作多站点宣教模式对高危人工流产患者避孕知识的掌握、避孕措施的落实及满意度的影响.方法:选取 2021 年 6 月至 2021 年 10 月本院收治的高危人工流产患者 400 例为研究对象,随机分为观察组(200 例)和对照组(200 例).对照组常规实施流产后关爱,观察组在对照组的基础上,设立计划生育门诊、PAC咨询室、术前宣教室 3 个宣教站点,实施医护合作多站点宣教模式,两组均随访 1 年.比较两组避孕知识的掌握、高效避孕措施立即落实、满意度情况,观察两组患者术后 1 个月、3 个月、6个月、12 个月的重复流产率、高效避孕措施续用率、随访应答率.结果:与对照组比较,观察组患者对避孕知识的掌握、高效避孕措施立即落实、满意度、高效避孕措施的续用率及随访应答率更优,重复流产率更低,P<0.05,差异均具有统计学意义.结论:医护合作多站点宣教模式可提高高危人工流产患者的避孕节育风险意识,提升高效避孕措施立即落实率和满意度,降低重复流产率的发生,减少流产带来危害,保护其生殖健康.

Objective:To explore the effect of multi-site model of medical and nursing cooperation on contraception knowledge,contraceptive measures and satisfaction of high-risk induced abortion patients.Methods:From June to October of the 2021,a to-tal of 400 high-risk induced abortion patients in our hospital were randomly divided into experimental group(n=200)and con-trol group(n=200).The control group was given routine post-abortion care;on the basis of the control group,the experimental group was carried out the multi-station propaganda model of medical and nursing cooperation containing three propaganda sta-tions,namely,family planning clinic,PAC consulting room and preoperative propaganda room,and both groups were followed up for 1 year to compare the mastery of contraceptive knowledge,the immediate implementation of effective contraceptive meas-ures,and the degree of satisfaction between the two groups,and observe the rate of repeated abortion,the continuation rate of effective contraception and the response rate at 1,3,6 and 12 months after operation.Results:In the experimental group,the knowledge of contraception,the rate of immediate implementation of effective contraception,the satisfaction,the rate of repeated abortion,the rate of continuation of effective contraception and the rate of follow-up response were significantly better than those in the control group(P<0.05),the differences were statistically significant.Conclusion:The multi-site education model of medical-nursing cooperation can improve the risk awareness of contraception in high-risk induced abortion patients,increase the rate of immediate implementation and satisfaction of high-effective contraception,reduce the occurrence of repeated abor-tion,and decrease the harm caused by abortion to protect their reproductive health.


无锡市妇幼保健院,江苏 无锡 214002



Induced abortionMedical-nursing cooperationHealth educationContraceptive measures

《中外女性健康研究》 2024 (003)

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