

Ethical Dilemmas and Solutions in the Digital Transformation of Higher Vocational Education



The digital transformation of higher vocational education is an inevitable choice for the development of higher vocational education in the digital age.However,in China,the digital transformation of higher vocational education is still in its early stages,and there are risks of privacy leakage under digital management,imbalanced regional development under the digital divide,digital violence in the digital education environment,and ethical issues such as intellectual property disputes under digitalized educational resources.The root causes of these problems are multifaceted,involving the widespread collection and complex processing of data,the inequality and inadequacy of digital transformation,the lack of digital regulatory power,and the difficulty of balancing intellectual property protection and sharing.To address the ethical dilemmas in the digital transformation of higher vocational education,it is necessary to approach it from two paths:improving the system and enhancing digital literacy.This can be achieved by raising the ethical awareness of"digital technology"users,promoting educational equity through the equitable allocation of high-quality digital educational resources,improving the legal and regulatory mechanisms for digital technology use,and strengthening the balance between intellectual property protection and shared education.These efforts will create a favorable ecosystem for the digital transformation of higher vocational education and enhance its quality.





higher vocational educationdigital transformationethical dilemmasdigital dividedigital violence

《职业技术教育》 2024 (007)

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