

The Development Process,Bottleneck Problems and Solutions of Vocational Education College Entrance Examination System



The College Entrance Examination System of Vocational Education is an important measure to optimize the hierarchical structure of talents,broaden the channels for growth and development,and improve the modern vocational education system.As a pioneering practice in promoting the reform of the vocational education college entrance examination,the"Skill-based College Entrance Examination"system in Hubei Province has explored new paths for innovative vocational education college entrance examination models in the region.It has gradually evolved from its initial stages of exploration to a phase of deepening and improving the quality.However,during the development process,several challenges need to be addressed,such as the dilemma of promotion channels,difficulties in skill assessment,constraints on cultural qualifications,and challenges in organizational implementation.Therefore,it is essential to systematically summarize the development process of the"Skill-based College Entrance Examination"system in Hubei Province,accurately grasp its strategic positioning,improve the enrollment mechanism,establish a comprehensive vocational skill evaluation system,optimize the evaluation contents,and deepen the classification of examination methods,so as to showcase the characteristics of vocational education and establish a high-quality modern vocational education system.





Vocational Education College Entrance ExaminationSkills College Entrance Examinationregional practicesystematic reform

《职业技术教育》 2024 (007)

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全 国 教 育 科 学"十三五"规划国家青年课题"现代职教体系构建背景下我国职教高考制度的基础理论与实践模式研究"(CJA200255),主持人:李政;湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究青年课题"湖北省职业本科教育人才培养模式优化与制度设计研究",主持人:杨秋月
