

Exploration on the Correlation between Spleen,Type 2 Diabetes,and Muscles Based on the Theory of"Spleen Associating with Muscles in Body Constituents"


脾病是引起糖尿病的重要原因,众多医家多主张从脾论治.糖为人体的主要能量来源,食物入口转为糖分吸收入血供机体组织利用.而脾主运化,脾病则水谷精微不"运"不"化",滞积于其他器官组织,使机体各组织器官功能受损甚至发生器质性病变.脾在体合肉是以脾主运化作为其生理功能的基础,在内脾之为病,在外肉亦为病.骨骼肌约占人体总重的40%,是机体摄取和利用葡萄糖最重要的器官组织之一,也是糖尿病损害的主要靶位.本文基于"脾在体合肉"理论试述脾-2 型糖尿病-肌肉间的相关性以及健脾益肉对防治2 型糖尿病及骨骼肌损伤的重要作用.

Spleen disease is an important cause of diabetes.Many doctors advocate treating it from treating the spleen.Sugar is the body's main energy source,food in the alimentary canal is converted into sugar and absorbed into the blood for use by body tissues.The spleen in the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)governs the muscles,and if the spleen is in disease condition,it cannot transport food essence and transform the essence in the body.When the essence accumulates in body organs,it can impair these organs and make them ill.The theory of spleen associating with muscles in bady constituents is based on the function of spleen governing transportation and transformation,and if the spleen within the body is diseased,the muscles are usually also ill.Skeletal muscle accounts for about 40%of the total weight of the human body.It is one of the most important organs and tissues for the body to absorb and use glucose,and is also the main target of diabetes damage.Based on this theory,this article tries to discuss the correlation between the spleen,type 2 diabetes and muscles,and the important role of tonifying the spleen and nourishing flesh in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and skeletal muscle injury.


甘肃中医药大学,甘肃 兰州 730000



Spleen associating with muscles in body constituentsSpleen wastingType 2 diabetesSkeletal muscle lipid depositionSkeletal muscle inflammation

《中医药学报》 2024 (004)

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