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发展水利新质生产力 做好科技创新大文章OA

Developing new quality productive forces by sci-tech innovation of water conservancy



The new quality productive forces is a new type of productive force led by innovation,transforming the traditional growth path,and meeting the requirements of high-quality development.To develop new quality productive forces of water conservancy,it is necessary to deeply understand the core status of technological innovation,construct a new production tool system,allocate a new production factor system,and establish a new production function.Focus should be placed on major national strategic needs and enhancing capacities for ensuring water security,including building the National Water Network,developing digital twins in water conservancy,improving the water conservancy standard system,developing river ethics,nurturing a new talent team for high-quality development,etc.The strategic supportive role of technological innovation should be leveraged to provide solid technological support and guidance for accelerating the development of new quality productive forces of water conservancy.





new quality productive forcesscientific and technological innovationwater conservancy

《中国水利》 2024 (006)

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