

Reflections on the implementation of Joint River and Lake Chief System in transboundary rivers and lakes



Transboundary rivers and lakes management are currently the key focus and challenge of the River and Lake Chief System.Based on the contradiction between the traditional administrative division approach and the overall and ecosystem nature of rivers and lakes,as well as the difficulties in interdepartmental coordination and the awkwardness of government-society collaboration,the concept of the Joint River and Lake Chief System is proposed to address the challenges of transboundary river and lake governance.This paper explores the main contents of the Joint River and Lake Chief System,including the roles of Joint River and Lake Chiefs,the establishment of the office for the Joint River and Lake Chief System,and the operational mechanisms of the Joint River and Lake Chief System.It provides relevant suggestions from five aspects:improving the organizational structure,enhancing the joint consultation mechanism,establishing an information sharing platform,strengthening joint prevention and control actions,and establishing a comprehensive transboundary ecological compensation mechanism.The effectiveness of the Joint River and Lake Chief System is demonstrated through three typical case studies:Nanjing metropolitan area,Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai,and the Sichuan-Chongqing region,thereby highlighting the role of the system in regional collaborative governance.





Joint River and Lake Chief Systemtransboundary river and lakeriver and lake managementcollaborative governance

《中国水利》 2024 (006)

46-52 / 7

