

The relationship between the abnormality of multilayer networks and emotional impairments in sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients with migraine


目的 利用多层神经网络技术探索突发性耳聋伴偏头痛与情绪障碍的关系.材料与方法 对41名突发感音神经性耳聋(sudden sensorineural hearing loss,SSNHL)伴偏头痛患者和47名健康对照的听力、偏头痛、多维度神经功能及静息态功能MRI进行了评估.采用多层网络来识别突发性耳聋伴偏头痛诱导的动态大脑全局网络交换的变化.采用图论网络分析软件处理血氧水平依赖成像数据,通过Pearson相关分析计算功能MRI数据与情绪障碍评分的相关性.结果 SSNHL伴偏头痛患者组与健康对照组在年龄、性别和受教育年限上匹配良好.SSNHL伴偏头痛患者组两耳的平均听阈明显高于健康对照组,且突发性耳聋伴偏头痛患者的焦虑和抑郁评分显著增高.两组间的总体模块化没有显著差异,但右侧中央沟盖、中扣带皮层、左侧楔叶和枕下回的网络切换率差异有统计学意义(P<0.005,错误发现率校正).SSNHL伴偏头痛组中扣带回的网络转换率与抑郁评分呈负相关(r=-0.41,P=0.008).结论 SSNHL伴偏头痛患者脑区的网络切换率减低,与抑郁具有一定相关性,有助于阐明SSNHL伴偏头痛患者出现情绪障碍的神经病理学基础.

Objective:To explore the relationship between sudden sensorineural hearing loss(SSNHL)with migraine and emotional impairments using multilayer neural network technology.Materials and Methods:We recruited 41 SSNHL with migraine patients and 47 healthy controls in this study.And all participants underwent evaluation of hearing abilities,migraine,neuropsychological assessments,as well resting-state functional brain imaging.Multilayer network analysis was computed to identify dynamic changes in brain global networks.Graph theoretical network analysis(GRETNA)was used to process blood oxygen level dependent(BOLD)data,and Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to calculate the correlation between functional MRI data and emotional impairments.Results:The two groups were well matched in age,sex and education level.The mean hearing thresholds of both ears in SSNHL patients with migraine were significantly higher than healthy controls.Moreover,the scores of anxiety and depression were significantly higher in otologic migraine patients.There was no significant difference in overall modularity between the patients and healthy controls.But significant differences of network switching rates in the right Rolandic operculum and middle cingulate cortex(MCC),left cuneus and inferior occipital gyrus(P<0.005,false discovery rate correction)were observed.Additionally,the conversion rate of MCC was negatively correlated with depression in SSNHL patients with migraine group(r=-0.41,P=0.008).Conclusions:The decrease of switching rate in SSNHL patients with migraine is closely related to depression,which helps to elucidate the neuropathological basis of emotional impairments induced by SSNHL with migraine.


南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院)医学影像科,南京 210006南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院)耳鼻喉科,南京 210006



sudden sensorineural hearing loss with migraineneural imagingmagnetic resonance imagingmultilayer networkanxietydepression

《磁共振成像》 2024 (004)

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Nanjing Medical University Foundation of Science and Technology Development(No.NMUB2019166). 南京医科大学科技发展基金一般项目(编号:NMUB2019166)

