

Orientation Determination Method of Map Linear Element Based on Deep Learning


地图审图作为问题地图发现的手段,目前仍基于人工目视审查,审图人员专业要求高、劳动强度大、审图效率低和审图规则种类缺失的突出问题亟待解决.采用基于深度学习的地图线性要素提取与走向判定方法,提取并审查了宁夏回族自治区行政区划图中宁夏自治区界和清水河的走向,并利用模型评价指标对判定结果做精度评价.其中,准确率(Pixel Accuracy,PA)最小值91.86%出现在宁夏回族自治区界线性要素走向判定,召回率(Recall)最小值85.42%出现在清水河线性要素走向判定.实验结果表明该方法支持可定制的线性要素走向审图规则,为人工目视审图中线性要素走向存在的上述问题提供了准确且高效的解决方法.

Map inspection,as a means of erroneous map discovery,is still based on labor-intensive visual inspection.The prominent issues by this means,such as high professional requirements for inspectors,high labor intensity,low efficiency of map inspection,and lacking of diverse in-spection rules,should be solved properly.In this paper,we used a map linear element extraction and direction determination method based on deep learning to inspect the direction of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region boundary and that of Qingshui River in the administrative map of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,and used metrics to evaluate the accuracy of inspection results.According to the results,the minimum value of pixel accuracy(PA)is 91.86%for the determination of boundary elements of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,and the minimum value of Recall is 85.42%for the determination of linear elements of Qingshui River.The experimental results show that this method can support customizable linear element orientation rules,and provide a solution with high accuracy and efficiency to the issues mentioned above in the labor-intensive map inspection.


宁夏回族自治区自然资源成果质量检验中心,宁夏 银川 750004西安锐思数智科技股份有限公司,陕西 西安 710000



map inspectionmap linear elementdeep learningobject detectionsemantic segmentation

《地理空间信息》 2024 (004)

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