

A Consensus Algorithm Based Identity Authentication Mechanism for Secure Access of Wireless Sensor Networks in Converter Stations



In order to ensure the security and reliability of the wireless sensor network of the converter station,this paper constructs a secure access authentication mechanism in the wireless sensor network of the converter station,and proposes a consensus algorithm based on weighted voting to authenticate and authorize the wireless sensing devices that access the wireless sensor network of the converter station and ensure the legitimacy of the access devices'access to the wireless sensor network resources.The consensus algorithm proposed in this paper adopts the idea of weighted voting to consider and decide the weight based on both the resources and performance owned by the sensing devices,and measure the influence of nodes in the consensus process by the weight value,so as to improve the fairness and trustworthiness of the consensus process and effectively avoid malicious attacks in the network.In this paper,the simulation verification is carried out from the aspects of average time consumption,throughput,error rate and communication overhead.The results show that the proposed algorithm can better adapt to the differences between different access terminals,improve the efficiency and reliability of the consensus algorithm,and provide effective security guarantee for the wireless sensor network of the converter station.


国网智能电网研究院有限公司,北京市 昌平区 102209北京科技大学 计算机与通信工程学院,北京市 海淀区 100083



weighted voting mechanismsecure accessidentity authenticationdigital converter stationconsensus algorithm

《电力信息与通信技术》 2024 (004)

63-69 / 7


