

Study on the Influence of Hydrogen Storage Temperature on Leakage and Explosion Incidents at Hydrogen Refueling Stations


通过降低氢气的温度,可以实现更高密度的氢气储存,进而有效提升存储及运输的效率.为探究储氢温度对加氢站泄漏爆炸事故的影响规律,利用FLACS软件对加氢站内长管拖车在不同储氢温度条件下(50、100、200与300 K)发生泄漏后的氢气扩散和爆炸事故进行分析.研究结果表明:随着储氢温度的降低,高压氢气射流撞击防爆墙后可燃气云达到稳定的时间、扩散范围和冻伤区域均逐渐增大,而最大爆炸超压和爆炸危险距离则呈现出先增大后减小的趋势;储氢温度为50 K时的轻微冻伤距离比储氢温度100 K和200 K时分别增加了近1倍和7倍,严重冻伤距离也最大;储氢温度为100 K时泄漏气云爆炸产生的超压峰值比常温氢气爆炸提高了近3倍,危险区域也最大;储氢温度为200 K时,达到爆炸超压峰值的时间最快,储氢温度为50 K时最慢.

Lowering the temperature of hydrogen allows for higher density storage,effectively enhanc-ing storage and transportation efficiency.To investigate the influence of hydrogen storage temperature on the risk of leakage and explosion incidents at hydrogen refueling stations,FLACS software was used to analyze the diffusion and explosion of hydrogen following a leakage from a tube trailer within the station under different storage temperatures(50 K,100 K,200 K,and 300 K).The study results indicated that with the decrease in hydrogen storage temperature,the time for the combustible gas cloud to stabilize,its diffusion range,and the cryogenic burn areas all increased after a high-pressure hydrogen jet hit the explosion-proof wall.Meanwhile,the maximum explosion overpressure and explo-sion hazard distance initially increased and then decreased.The distance for minor cryogenic burns at a storage temperature of 50 K was nearly twice that at 100 K and seven times that at 200 K,with severe cryogenic burns covering the largest areas.The peak overpressure from cloud explosions at 100 K was nearly triple that of a standard-temperature hydrogen explosion,with the largest hazard area.At a stor-age temperature of 200 K,the time to reach peak explosion overpressure was the shortest,whereas at 50 K,it was the longest.


陆军工程大学国防工程学院,江苏 南京 210007



hydrogencryogenicleakageexplosionnumerical simulation

《防灾减灾工程学报》 2024 (002)

293-300,371 / 9


