Anatomical structure,hormone change,and transcriptome analysis of the large-fruit mutant of Jinhong Bingtang Orange
[目的]探究锦红冰糖橙大果芽变的形成原因.[方法]以锦红和大果芽变为试材,采用石蜡切片、HPLC-MS/MS和转录组测序技术对其在细胞形态、激素含量和基因表达方面进行比较分析.[结果]与锦红相比,大果芽变果肉内汁胞数量增多,且汁胞变大.石蜡切片结果表明,大果芽变汁胞内细胞数量多于锦红.大果芽变内生长素和赤霉素含量在花后70和120 d均高于锦红,玉米素含量在花后70、120和170 d均低于锦红.对盛花后70、120和170 d的汁胞进行转录组分析得到4597个差异基因,其中24个激素信号相关基因在两个及以上时期差异表达.在大果芽变中有4个生长素相关基因在花后70d上调表达.细胞分裂素相关基因ARR2在大果芽变花后70和120 d均下调表达.细胞周期蛋白CycD3在大果芽变花后170 d上调表达.[结论]锦红冰糖橙大果芽变的变异可能与汁胞发育有关,并且受激素水平影响.转录组分析为解析锦红冰糖橙大果芽变的分子机制奠定了基础.
[Objective]Fruit size is a major agronomic trait for evaluating fruit appearance quality.Therefore,it is important to analyze the molecular mechanism of fruit size for high-quality citrus breed-ing.Bud sport is one of the sources of fruit size mutation.A large-fruit mutant of Jinhong was found pre-viously.In this research,we explored the mechanism of the mutation in order to provide target genes for citrus molecular design breeding.[Methods]Jinhong Bingtang orange and its large-fruit mutant as ex-perimental material were sampled at 30,50,70,90,120,150,170,190 and 250 days after bloom(DAB).Juice sacs at 70,120 and 170 d were collected for RNA-seq.Young leaves of large-fruit mutant were collected for ploidy testing.Volume of juice sacs was determined using water replacement meth-od.Paraffin section was used for cytological observation of juice sacs.The plant hormones were deter-mined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.Transcriptome analysis were performed on the above samples.Differentially expressed genes(DEGs)between the wild type and the mutant at same de-velopmental stage were screened on the standard of FDR<0.05.Common DEGs of those three develop-mental stages were obtained using Venn analysis.GO and KEGG enrichments were mapped using TB-tools,and GO and KEGG were used to analyze the DEGs between Jinhong and its large-fruit mutant.Genes related to plant hormones were shown with the heat maps,which were drawn based on FPKM of the DEGs.[Results]Flow cytometry analysis showed that the large-fruit mutant was a diploid.Jinhong and large-fruit mutant had the same number(11)of carpels.Compared with Jinhong,the number of juice sacs of the large-fruit mutant increased,and volume of juice sacs enlarged.Results of paraffin sec-tion showed that the cell number of the large-fruit mutant was larger than that of Jinhong.IAA content of the mutant was always higher than that of Jinhong at 70 and 120 DAB,but it was lower at 170 DAB.The GA3 content in the large-fruit mutant was always greater.ZT content was low,and the ZT content of the large-fruit mutant was always lower than that of Jinhong at the three developmental stages.Ex-cept at 70 DAB,JA content of the large-fruit mutant was lower than that of Jinhong.At 70 DAB,there were 3118 DEGs between the two materials,including 1549 up-regulated and 1569 down-regulated genes,which were enriched in plant hormone signal transduction,MAPK signaling pathway,plant-pathogen,etc.At 120 DAB,there were 1952 DEGs,with 377 up-regulated and 1575 down-regulated,which were enriched in photosynthesis-antenna proteins,plant-pathogen interaction and MAPK signal-ing pathway,etc.At 170 DAB,there were 611 DEGs,with 372 up-regulated and 239 down-regulated,enriched in photosynthesis-antenna proteins,phenylpropanoid biosynthesis,etc.Besides,88 DEGs were identified in the three stages and KEGG analysis showed that the top five most significantly en-riched pathway were fatty acid elongation,photosynthesis-antenna proteins,cutin,suberine and wax biosynthesis,phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and plant hormone signal transduction.Furthermore,DEGs encoding hormone signaling were further analyzed.24 DEGs were found at least two periods,including 4 genes related to ABA,6 related to IAA,3 related to BR,2 related to CTK,and other hormone-related genes.Among them,GH3.6 was up-regulated in the large-fruit mutant at 70 and 120 DAB.IAA27 was up-regulated in the large-fruit mutant at 120 and 170 DAB,and the difference gradually increased.GH3.1,SAUR36 and auxin-induced protein 22D were up-regulated in the large-fruit mutant at 70 DAB.ARR2,TIFY10A and TGA9 were down-regulated in large-fruit mutant at 70 and 120 DAB,and was up-regulated at 170 DAB.[Conclusion]the development of juice sacs was possibly the cause of large-fruit phenotype in the mutant,and hormone levels may influence fruit size.The transcriptome analysis pro-vided a relatively complete molecular platform for future studies on the difference of citrus fruit size.
湖南省农业科学院园艺研究所·农业农村部华中地区果树科学观测实验站,长沙 410125||岳麓山实验室,长沙 410125湖南省农业科学院园艺研究所·农业农村部华中地区果树科学观测实验站,长沙 410125||岳麓山实验室,长沙 410125湖南省农业科学院园艺研究所·农业农村部华中地区果树科学观测实验站,长沙 410125||岳麓山实验室,长沙 410125麻阳苗族自治县农业农村局,湖南麻阳 419400麻阳苗族自治县农业农村局,湖南麻阳 419400麻阳苗族自治县农业农村局,湖南麻阳 419400湖南省农业科学院园艺研究所·农业农村部华中地区果树科学观测实验站,长沙 410125||岳麓山实验室,长沙 410125湖南省农业科学院园艺研究所·农业农村部华中地区果树科学观测实验站,长沙 410125||岳麓山实验室,长沙 410125湖南省农业科学院园艺研究所·农业农村部华中地区果树科学观测实验站,长沙 410125||岳麓山实验室,长沙 410125湖南省农业科学院园艺研究所·农业农村部华中地区果树科学观测实验站,长沙 410125||岳麓山实验室,长沙 410125湖南省农业科学院园艺研究所·农业农村部华中地区果树科学观测实验站,长沙 410125
CitrusBud sportFruit sizeParaffin sectionHormone
《果树学报》 2024 (4)