

Measuring system for normal section parameters of ball screw raceway


为了实现滚珠丝杠滚道法向截面的快速、精确和无损检测,建立基于光学测微计的滚珠丝杠滚道法向截面测量系统.基于滚珠丝杠滚道法向截面测量原理设计了检测装置,对原有滚道法向截面数据处理算法进行优化,提出了角度划分圆弧方法、圆弧数据均匀化方法.对检测装置中传感器安装误差、水平移动平台直线度误差、传感器误差进行分析,并进行误差补偿.最后,通过实验验证检测装置和优化后的算法组成的整个检测系统的精度.实验结果表明:算法优化后检测系统测得的滚道法向截面参数,随着划分圆弧的角度增加最终收敛.算法优化后检测系统测得的圆弧半径和接触角与厂家提供的误差最大值分别为3.6 μm和19′31″,相对算法优化前提升率分别为64.36%和53.46%;测得的圆弧半径和接触角标准偏差最大值分别为1.56 μm和2′41″,相对算法优化前提升率分别为22.77%和56.67;测得的圆弧半径和接触角的A类不确定度最大值分别为0.63 μm和1′6″,相对于算法优化前分别降低56%和70%.滚道法向截面检测系统的精度、重复性和不确定度均满足测量要求.

To achieve swift,precise,and non-destructive detection of ball screw raceway's normal sec-tion,a measuring system based on an optical micrometer is developed.Initially,the detection device is crafted following the principle of measuring the ball screw raceway's normal section.The original data pro-cessing algorithm for the raceway's normal section is then refined,introducing the angle division arc meth-od and arc data homogenization technique.Subsequently,potential errors from sensor installation,the hori-zontal moving platform's straightness,and sensor inaccuracies within the detection device are examined and compensated for.The detection system's accuracy,comprising the device and the enhanced algorithm,is validated through experimental tests.These tests reveal that with the algorithm's optimization,the nor-mal section parameters of the raceway measured by the system show improved convergence as the divided arc angle increases.Post-optimization,the maximum measured values for arc radius and contact angle,along with the manufacturer's error margins,are 3.6 μm and 19'31″,respectively,marking enhancement rates of 64.36%and 53.46%over pre-optimization.Furthermore,the maximum standard deviation values for the measured arc radius and contact angle are 1.56 μm and 2'41″,respectively,with enhancement rates of 22.77%and 56.67%.Class A uncertainty for measured arc radius and contact angle dropped to 0.63 μm and 1'6″,respectively,a reduction of 56%and 70%compared to before the algorithm's optimization.The detection system's accuracy and repeatability for the raceway's normal cross-section meet the measurement standards.


南京理工大学 机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210000



optical micrometerball screwraceway normal sectionangle division arc methodarc data homogenization method

《光学精密工程》 2024 (007)

1011-1022 / 12


